Chapter 11

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One chapter after celebrating 2k I am proudly saying:


That just shows how long its been since I've written another chapter. See, I'm a weird person so I just forgot what its called when you update a chapter. Okay, bye. 

This is me about a day later realizing how stupid I am




I look around, not knowing what to think. Is this good or bad? Does this mean something? Am I going crazy?

You're already crazy, but if you keep standing there doing absolutely nothing, everyone will know. 


No, just factual.

Excuse me?

You're still standing there doing nothing. And know your excuse is that you were talking to the voices in your head. Maybe you are crazy.

Are you saying your not real?

No, I'm saying your're crazy. I'm also saying you're an idiot. 

You never said that.

Oh, my bad. You're an idiot.

Guys, chill. Sophie, you're still standing there. Nira, you're annoying.


Shut up.


Oh, right. People. Dead people. Does this mean they're zombies? I'm unconscious, so does this mean its all a dream?

This is not a dream. Everything you see is real. You are on the bridge between life and death. If you walk any closer to them, you will die. Do not come in contact with any of them because it will kill you. 

Wow, so reassuring. Nice to know I can die here.

It wasn't supposed to be reassuring, idiot. It was just factual.

Shut up, idiot. 

You did not just call me an idiot, idiot.

Oh, I did call you an idiot, idiot. 

Only I can call you an idiot, idiot. 




Stop. You're gonna give me a headache and I don't even have a head. Or a body in general.

Thank you.

Now that I'm not distracted by an idiot and Adira, I focus on the current situation. I look around, noticing that I am looking at a bunch of faceless bodies. There is only one person with a face. 




When I see him, its like a door I never knew was there opened. There is no light on the other side. Only darkness. 

Because of the very darkness that would've sent people running away, I walk in without hesitation. 

And I start to fall.


I've been falling for so long, it feels like I'm just floating. There is no light anywhere. No matter where I look, it's all black. But there is nothing wrong with darkness. After all, it is darkness that allows light to shine. 


Now that I think of it, I realize that most people would have probably gone mad if they were surrounded by darkness while falling. Yay, I just love being weird. 


I'm not even worried anymore, I'm just bored. I might actually die of boredom. I was hoping to die some heroic, dramatic, memorable death, but I guess I'll be that person who proves you can actually die of boredom. Great. 

Somebody is getting moody.

Wait, you were there the whole time??

Um, yeah. Pretty sure, considering I can't really go anywhere else at the moment.


Wow, a legendary queen is complaining to a powerful fae about being bored. 

What did you say you were?

A powe-

A fae. I guess a powerful one, but we are classified as fae. We are from a different realm called Lejl . Our realm is separated into four courts: Dlam, Dawl, Stilel, and Qamar. Our realm is the Realm of Night. Dlam is the Court of Darkness, Dawl is the Court of Light, Stilel is the Court of Stars, and Qamar is the Court of the Moon. I am from Dlam and Nira is from a Dawl. Our realm is being threatened by another realm; your realm. The Realm of Life. 

Your realm has more life than any other realm. Most realms has a maximum of 3 species, while yours has 1 trillion known species. An elf from your realm wants to conquer all the realms. It is our job to stop her. 

Right now, your spirit is being transported to our realm. Your body will still be on your realm, while your spirit is in ours. You will be in my body, seeing through my eyes. Nira will go tell her family she is leaving, so she will not be with us. Once we leave, her spirit will immediately leave her body to come with us be cause of the bond we have. I will answer all your questions later. Now, I have to show you what we will be fighting for.


You have no idea how many times I have gone into Wattpad, seen my book, looked at it for a good five seconds, and then just go read a book or scroll through some random social media app because I was too lazy to actually update. By now, people have probably given up on this book. 

Oh well. 

Since I haven't posted in a while, I'll give you a description of future characters. 

One is strong but kind and would do anything to protect her people. She is that one friend that can always make you laugh. She can control fire, but is not a Pyrokinetic. Her fire is more controlled, therefore more deadly. She has eyes the color of amber with curly, red hair.

The other is someone everyone is afraid of, but when you get to know her, she is kind and funny. She can control ice and air. She is beautiful with straight, platinum hair that glows whenever she unleashes her power. Her eyes are a glowing silver. 



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