Chapter 10

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I know this might seem really insignificant to some people, but to me, this has to be the best day of my life.

Oh, and just to make it better, this book is #2 in # teamfosterkeefe!!!!


Okay, sorry for annoying the people who actually read this, on with the story.


As I relax, I realize how much energy I had subconsciously put into making that shield around me.

My worries go away, taking my alertness with it. By the time the shield is completely gone, I feel like I sprinted around the world 56 times while carrying an elephant that was eating a rhinoceros.

I see Grady and Edaline running towards me, followed by practically everyone else.

As I'm about to slip back into unconsciousness, I hear Elwin whisper softly, "It's okay, Sophie, all queens need rest.


I look around, not recognizing my surroundings.

I sit up smoothly, which never happens because of my clumsy self. From that point, I already knew something was different.

I'm sitting on vibrant green grass, so bright it looks like it's glowing. It's as soft as silk, and doesn't feel prickly. I look up, expecting to be assaulted by the bright light, but all I see is a clam blue sky. It has enough light to not be bright, but it's not dark either. It's the perfect temperature, not too hot and not too cold.

It's perfect.

Too perfect.

Right as I think that, I hear footsteps. Not the rustling footsteps you hear when someone is walking on grass, just soft footsteps, as if someone is walking on a cushioned floor.

It didn't sound like someone was trying to sneak up on me either. It was actually kind of soothing, the soft, steady thump, thump, thump.

I turn around slowly, slightly embarrassed by the amount of thought that went through my head because of the sound of someone's footsteps.

What I see when I turn makes me gasp.

Instead of just one person as I thought it would be, it was a group of people.

And the worst part,  they were all dead.

A/N: That had to be the shortest chapter ever, but again, I have the worst writers block and had to write something.

I guess.

It's not like anyone's reading this, but here's Keefe and I.

Me: Are Medusa's leg hairs tiny snakes? And if they are, does she shave?

Keefe: Who's Medusa?

Me: She's a mythical character who has snakes for hair.

Keefe: Whoever made that up is messed up.

Keefe: I think she would have tiny snakes as leg hairs. And she probably wouldn't shave because that would kill the poor little snakes.

Me: What if the person who made her up made her shave?

Keefe: Then they would be horrible people.

Me: What if I made you shave your hair off.

Keefe: You can't do that. I'm a real person and you didn't make me.

Me: Well, I guess Shannon Messenger made you, but this is still my book and I can make you do whatever I want.

Keefe: Suuuure.

Me: Would you like an example?

Keefe: It's not like you're saying the truth but sure, go ahead.

Me: *writes that Keefe shaves his hair off*

Keefe: *starts shaving his hair off*


Me: *ignores him and lets him shave all his hair off*

Keefe: nO. ThE HaIr Is GoNe!!!

Me: *sigh* I need you to be nice and pretty for Sophie so I'm giving you your hair back.

Me: *writes down that Keefe gets all his hair back*

Keefe: Oh, thank the Lord!! 

Me: Your Welcome.

Keefe: *glares*

Me: *takes out pen*

Keefe: Thank you!!!

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