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The team was just hanging out, it had been a slow day so they decided to hang out in Happy Harbor. They didn't plan on doing anything too exciting, they were just going to walk around and hang out for a while. But a while turned out to be a lot longer then they intended, it started getting dark and they had to hurry to get back.

As they were walking they heard something coming from a nearby building, a factory used for making steel. Artemis spoke, "What was that?"

Kid Flash spoke, "Should we check it out?"

Aqualad thought for a minute before he sighed, "We should see what is going on, at least to be sure nothing is wrong."

The heroes made their way to the entrance of the factory and as soon as they stepped inside they heard gunshots. They immediately found cover and looked around said cover to figure out what was going on. A figure dressed in black was shooting at what looked like robots but they were obviously meant to be weapons.

Robin's first thought was that they were some kind of military robot but he'd never seen anything like it. The person shooting at them, under heavy fire no less, didn't seem phased as he simply used the two hand guns to shoot them. If the shot didn't completely take out the robot it would at least damage it and hit something important.

Robin moved to get a better look and Miss Martian established a mind link as he did, 'Is everyone online?'

All of the heroes confirmed that they could hear her and Artemis spoke, 'We should leave, we could get shot.'

Superboy spoke, 'I'd be fine.'

Aqualad spoke, 'Artemis is right, it is too dangerous for any of us to stay without knowing what is going on.' Aqualad paused, 'Wait, where's Robin?'

By then Robin had found a vantage point to see what was going on, 'I'm fine, I moved to see better.'

'Robin it is too dangerous, we have to leave.'

Robin ignored him as he tried to get a better look at the figure, they were wearing mostly black and he had no idea how to describe the outfit beyond that. But the strangest thing was the white mask they were wearing, it was honestly slightly scary but he wouldn't admit it. Robin tried moving to make out more but a stray bullet hit the metal beam he was on and it startled him.

He felt his feet slip and he started falling, he tried to grab onto the beam but he missed, this was bad. Meanwhile, a certain dark figure dodged a bullet, literally, and returned the favor by shooting the robot. It hit what one might consider to be it's head and it fell to the ground, unfortunately he still had more robots to deal with.

He hit two more before he heard an odd sound, it sounded like that loud and annoying squeak shoes made when you stepped on hard floor a certain way. He immediately looked up toward where he thought the sound came from and saw someone falling. He would bet they had fallen from one of the metal beams above, but he couldn't think about that now.

He immediately holstered his guns and moved quickly, he caught the boy and even with the sunglasses he could tell the boy was shocked. He ducked behind some machinery and set the boy down before looking him in the eye, "Stay."

With that one word he took out his guns again and left the safety of the machinery to take out the rest of the robots. As soon as he did a bullet almost hit him and he wasn't very happy, he soon stood in the middle of the horde of robots. If he was going to end this, and end it quickly, he was going to have to use desperate measures.

If it were just him in there he wouldn't but there was a teenage boy and he had no idea if he was with anyone. With that in mind he emptied his clips before reloading them, he could literally feel the difference as he started shooting again. It wasn't controlled, it was chaos, it was rapid fire attacks that could hit anything around him.

He tried to be careful, he really did, but with this there was no guarantee of anything, not even for hitting what he wanted to. He reloaded in a split second, there was no time, no retaliation, there was only his gunfire and the robots hitting the ground. When he stopped none of the robots could shoot, they weren't even moving, he won another fight.

He holstered his guns and he could feel someone watching him, he didn't have to look to know who it was. Robin had stared in shock at where the figure had disappeared around the corner, they just saved him. They'd only said one word but he guessed that they were a guy based on what their voice sounded like.

He was surprised that he'd saved him, but more then that it was how he saved him after he fell. He saw them change, he had never seen anyone that could do that and he didn't know how anyone ever could. He knew people that could walk through walls, run at impossible speeds, brush off a bullet like it was nothing, but not that.

Not long after he left Robin heard gunfire and it was different from what he'd been hearing, it was faster somehow. It almost sounded like it was from a single source which didn't make logical sense, right? But whether it was or not it sounded like it was hitting everything, anything within range was in danger of getting hit and he was in that range.

He should probably be afraid but he wasn't, he was actually calm which should have set off some alarms in his head. He waited, he waited to get hit or for someone to show up, whether one of his teammates or the guy from before he'd have to wait and see. When the gunfire stopped he waited for a few seconds before slowly leaving his only cover to see what happened.

There were bullet holes everywhere, the robots were too damaged to function at all and a lone figure stood in the middle of the wreckage. He was sure the guy, whoever he was, had forgotten he was there for at least a second or two because he looked down and took off his mask. He took a single deep breath before putting it back on, "You should go."

So apparently he hadn't forgotten he was there, Robin gave him a confused look, "What?"

"You shouldn't have been here to begin with, go home, forget what you saw, it's better that way."

Robin was confused now, his entire look screamed villain but he didn't act that way, at the very least he was an anti-hero. Robin took a few steps closer to the stranger, "Who are you?"

He looked at Robin, it was almost like he was confused as to why he was asking, it even looked like he was about to answer before the doors burst open. Robin looked and he saw not just the team but also all of their mentors, including Batman, they didn't look happy. When they saw the state of the factory and the dark figure standing in the middle of it they looked shocked.

Robin could better describe what he looked like now, a long black coat with the hood up, a white mask that almost looked like a skull. A black shirt, black pants, what looked like metal boots, a belt with strange red canisters strapped to it, and two holstered guns. He almost looked like a modern version of Death himself and with what Robin saw he wouldn't doubt that's who he was.

Batman glared at him and the heroes were all tensed for a fight, what they didn't expect was the lightning fast draw of a gun. He seemed to fire it even quicker and the bullet flew right past the heroes and hit something behind them. Robin could clearly see past them and he saw a robot, had one of them gotten out without anyone noticing?

The stranger crossed his arms over his chest with his guns in his hands and he seemed to sink into the floor. When he reappeared it was in front of the robot and he quickly aimed his gun at it and fired, it fell to the ground almost immediately. Robin had already run to the doors and the others turned to watch the scene unfold before their eyes.

He holstered his guns again with an almost frightening sense of calm and turned to them but he looked right at Robin. "The name's Reaper."


Um, yeah.

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