I Can't Tell

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The next day Black Canary wouldn't let Reaper train because he was hurt and he was fine with that, he had other things to do now. He was keeping an eye on cameras he'd placed and nothing happened, it was night again and he was going to sleep. Before he could even shut his eyes there was a beeping sound and he checked the cameras, something was wrong.

He got up and went to see what happened, the entire time he kept asking himself why he was doing this. He wasn't entirely sure but he didn't doubt his decision, he was soon outside an apartment building. He was on the roof of the building right next to it and saw someone on the fire escape prying open a window.

He knew exactly who's window that was, the guy went through the now open window and Reaper turned to smoke. He reformed on the fire escape and heard a short scream and something falling, he shifted to smoke again and went through the window. He saw the guy standing over a woman and there was a wheelchair not too far away, there was a small cut on the woman's forehead.

Reaper growled just low enough that the other two couldn't hear it, the guy pointed a gun at the woman. Reaper immediately grabbed his wrist and pointed the gun at the wall and it went off, he tightened his grip and the guy dropped his gun. Reaper dragged him back out the window after putting a hand over his mouth, he looked back at the woman and she looked a bit scared.

Her eyes were closed, he quietly sighed and knocked the guy out, he picked up the woman's chair and put her in it. He did it quickly enough that she didn't really see him and he turned to smoke after she was in the chair. He took the guy outside and tied him up to a lamp post, there were a few lights on in the building and he heard sirens, the police were enroute.

He then realized that he left the gun inside, but if the police did their job they'd talk to her and she'd give them the gun. Reaper decided to leave before the police got there, those heroes would probably be pissed if they found out he left their base. He turned into smoke and went to the roof, he took off his mask and took a second to breathe.

He could see his breath but couldn't feel the cold, he actually smiled just a little but wasn't entirely sure why. He put his mask back on and went to the base again, he went to sleep and he didn't have nightmares for once. The next day he overheard the team talking again, he was about to walk into the room but stopped when he heard them.

Kid Flash spoke, "Wait, really?"

Artemis spoke, "Yeah, someone broke into our apartment, the guy was going to shoot my mom."

Miss Martian spoke, "Why didn't he?"

"I don't know, my mom says there was someone else there, they stopped the guy and tied him up outside."

Aqualad spoke, "Does she know who it was?"

"No, she didn't get a good look at them and no one else saw them, even the burglar didn't, I wish we did though."

Superboy spoke, "Why?"

"They saved my mom, why wouldn't I want to know?"

The heroes were silent and Reaper smiled again, he knew he couldn't tell them and even if he could, he wouldn't. The smile was gone and he frowned just a little, he waited a minute before walking into the room. All of the heroes stopped talking and watched as he grabbed the remote for the TV and turned it on.

He stood rather then sitting on the couch and crossed his arms as he watched the news, the current story was about an escaped criminal. The heroes were silent for a minute before Robin spoke, "Reaper, are you okay?"

He didn't even look at them, "Meaning?"

Aqualad spoke, "You were shot."

"I've had worse, the wounds are almost healed anyway."

Superboy spoke, "How can you almost be healed after two days?"

"No one ever said I was normal." He was telling the truth, his powers did have a few advantages, but he had tweaked his shoulder stopping that robber. Something about that robber was odd though, he hadn't tried to steal anything and immediately aimed to kill Artemis's mother.

He'd have to do a little digging, the young heroes looked at each other and Miss Martian smiled a little, "I made food if you're hungry."

Reaper hesitated, he was hungry but he'd have to take off his mask and he didn't like doing that around people. Robin got up and led Reaper over to the others, he was the only one that could do that without Reaper getting irritated. Reaper hesitated again before sitting down and Miss Martian gave him some food, he pulled his hood down a little more and took off his mask.

He put it on the counter right next to him and Kid Flash spoke, "So, uh, where did you get your mask?"

"A friend."

Superboy crossed his arms, "You have friends?"

Miss Martian glared at him a little and Reaper glanced at his mask but he stayed quiet, they didn't want to hear that story. Almost as soon as Reaper was done eating they had training, Black Canary still didn't think that Reaper was healed enough to train. She let him but only under the condition that he would take it easy, but for him all of this was easy.

Black Canary fought him herself and tried to go easy on him but he wasn't too fond of the idea, he beat her within thirty seconds. Black Canary was a bit surprised and wondered if Reaper really was healed or was just good at hiding his pain. She wouldn't be surprised if it were both, she told him that he could be done with training and to relax for a while.

He left but didn't relax, he walked into the living room and one of his alarms went off and he was sure this was going to happen a lot. He left immediately and found that a man with a knife had found his way into somewhere he shouldn't be. Security was on their way but Reaper didn't want to see what the man would do to the woman with him.

Reaper grabbed the man and took him into a small room, Reaper had the man in a choke hold and when the man fell unconscious Reaper let him go. Reaper could hear the security guards and turned into smoke before hiding in the air vents, when they entered the room they only found an unconscious man.

The woman walked in behind the guards, Lois Lane, she worked for the Daily Planet, the building they were in now. Reaper traveled through the vents until he was out of the building and he went back to the mountain. He sat on the couch and decided to watch TV since he had nothing better to do.

He settled on watching the news and when the heroes walked in there was a story going about the attacker in the Daily Planet building. Robin sat next to Reaper and the other heroes walked over, when Robin saw who was attacked his eyes widened, "That's Lois Lane."

Miss Martian looked confused, "Who's that?"

"She knows Superman and she's a reporter for the Daily Planet, she got attacked?"

Kid Flash spoke, "That's kind of weird right, first Artemis's mom and now this."

Artemis hit the speedster on the arm, "Did you forget about Reaper?"

They all froze before looking at Reaper who didn't seem interested in the conversation at all, "You do realize I have no idea what you're even talking about right?"

The heroes looked at each other, they weren't sure if it was okay to talk about people they knew around Reaper. He didn't seem to care at all so they figured that at the very least he wasn't interested in what they were saying. He didn't really interact with other people so it wasn't like he could tell anyone, they were still worried though.

The heroes dispersed throughout the room and Reaper continued watching the news with Robin sitting next to him. Reaper, however, wasn't really paying attention to the news, he was thinking about what would happen if they found out what he'd been doing. He didn't think it would be good.

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