You Can't Control Me

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The team and their mentors were currently at the mountain along with their strange and dangerous guest. They'd already tied him to a chair and he couldn't even try to fight it since Superman and Aquaman had done it. Or at the very least they hoped he couldn't have, but with how calm he looked they weren't confident.

They would have just taken him to an interrogation room but didn't want to show him too much of their base. Reaper just sat there as they all tried to figure out what to do, after a minute or two Batman spoke, "Who are you?"

"I already told you."

Batman glared at him, "Why are you here?"

"I've been asking myself that question for a long time, let me know if you figure it out."

Batman seemed to already be losing his patience, "What were those robots?"

"Technically you just answered your own question."

Now Batman looked like he wanted to hit him and Superman quickly stepped in, "We just want to know what's going on."

"I'm under no obligation to tell you, you can torture me and I still won't tell you, but judging from the costumes I'll bet you won't do that."

Flash spoke, "We don't want to hurt you, but we can't let you go until we know who you are and what you were doing in that factory."

"You say that like you ever actually captured me to begin with."

Batman eyes narrowed at him, "What?"

Reaper laughed a little, "I'll die before I let myself get captured so easily, I came here because I wanted to."

A few of the heroes looked shocked and Batman quickly walked over, "Who are you?"

He took off Reaper's mask and the heroes seemed to completely freeze, he was a teenager, he had pale skin, white hair, and green eyes. He smirked before he did what Robin had seen him do at the factory, his form shifted into what looked like black smoke. But even that didn't seem entirely accurate, nonetheless he did it and when he formed again he was free.

He stood in front of Batman and easily took his mask back, "Wish you hadn't taken the mask now?"

Reaper put his mask back on and Kid Flash was the brave soul that broke the silence, "Wait, you're a teenager?"

"When referring to age I am."

Green Arrow spoke, "What does that mean, and why does your voice seem deeper then it should?"

It was true, none of them had expected him to be a teenager partially because he didn't sound like one. They didn't have to see his face to know that Reaper was looking at them like they were stupid, "Not telling, and have you ever heard of a voice modulator?"

Artemis spoke, "But how can you be a villain?"

"I never said I was a villain."

They all paused at that, Superboy spoke, "You look like a villain."

"It doesn't mean I am one, the broody guy dressed like a bat looks like he could be a villain but he isn't, as far as I know at least."

The heroes wanted to argue with that but they couldn't, they'd just assumed Reaper was a villain. Batman spoke, "How did you end up in that factory?"

Reaper shrugged, "I just ended up there."

Batman seemed to take a second to think, "Do you have anywhere to go?"

"As far as I can tell this isn't even my universe so I'm going to go with no."

The heroes looked a bit surprised at this, how he could be from another universe they didn't know. The heroes got a little closer to each other to talk without Reaper hearing them, Superman spoke, "What should we do?"

Flash spoke, "He's just a kid and he doesn't have anywhere to go."

Batman spoke, "He could be dangerous."

Robin spoke, "Dangerous or not he helped me, I'd be dead if he hadn't so at the very least I owe him."

Batman was silent for a minute, he hated to admit it but Robin was right, he did help Robin when he was in trouble. Green Arrow spoke, "But we can't let him stay here can we, it might put the team in danger."

Martian Manhunter spoke, "He might also be lying about being from another universe."

Reaper spoke, "I'm right here you know."

Most of the heroes ignored him aside from Robin who glanced at him and Flash spoke, "We might be able to find a way to contain him but that could take a while."

Robin spoke, "He doesn't need to be contained, he hasn't done anything wrong."

Batman seemed to think for a second before he looked at Robin, "If we let him stay at the mountain without containing him he's your responsibility."

"Okay, fine."

Batman then walked over to Reaper, "If you do anything-."

Reaper cut him off, "Then you'll lock me up, is that what you were going to say?"

Batman looked mildly irritated again, "Because we don't have a reason to think you're a villain yet you'll be working with the team under heavy supervision. If we decide that you're too dangerous to let run free you will be contained, is that understood?"

Reaper crossed his arms, "I'll go along with this but let me be clear, there is only one person I take orders from so don't think for one second that you can control me."

Robin quickly jumped in before they started throwing punches, "Okay, Reaper, let's go anywhere but here."

He quickly pushed Reaper out of the room and they were all surprised that he actually let him. Batman didn't even try to stop them, rather then getting mad at what Reaper said he was confused by it. Usually someone would say they wouldn't listen to what they were told to do, instead he said they couldn't control him.

He got a strange feeling that there was more meaning behind those words then simply stating their independence. Something was happening with Reaper and Batman wanted to figure it out, no, he felt like he had to.

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