I Doubt That

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The next day Reaper was back at the mountain, despite Reaper acting strange toward Wally's family they still didn't hate him. Iris even gave him a hug, and some food in a container which confused him greatly but he didn't complain. Wally had apparently told the others about his knowledge of stars but none of them brought it up to him.

Now, however, he was about to receive more news, Superman came in and asked to talk to him, he didn't think this would be fun. Superman looked at him, "Lois invited you over."

Reaper gave him a strange look, "What?"

"She and my parents want to meet you, and Batman said he was okay with it since you might get more used to this world."

Reaper sighed, "Let me guess, there's no way I'm getting out of this?"

Superman gave him an apologetic smile, "Not really."

Reaper would have messed up his hair in frustration but his mask stopped him from doing that so he didn't do anything. Now he was sitting in the living room after the conversation, he was sure Superboy knew about the plan. He heard Superman telling him about it afterward and he was going too, he was going to hate this.

He was watching the news but didn't pay attention to much of it, Robin sat next to him and looked at him. "Why do you always watch the news?"

Reaper shrugged, "Old habits, it was the only thing I was allowed to watch." Robin gave him a sad look and he got slightly irritated, "Don't give me that look, I never really wanted to watch anything else anyway."

Robin sighed, "Doesn't any of that bother you?"

"What, you mean the restrictions I had, not really."

They were both quiet for a minute before Robin broke the silence, "So, are you okay?"


"Well, we kind of know about your condition now."

Reaper rolled his eyes, "You're going to have to be more specific that can mean a lot of things."

"Well, Flash said your cells-."

"Are in a state of simultaneous decay and regeneration at a hyper accelerated rate."

Robin looked away, "Yeah, and Kid Flash, Wally, said that would be painful."

"Like I'm constantly dying, I'm used to it, after so long I learned to live with it, I barely think about it now."

"But are you okay?"

Reaper thought for a second, "I don't know."

Robin gave him a sad smile, "Well, it's a start."

They both started watching TV again and Reaper just got lost in his own thoughts, he wasn't thinking about anything in particular though. Superman eventually came back to get Reaper and Superboy, the masked teen wasn't sure how to feel about this. It didn't take too long to get there, they were standing in front of a farmhouse, Reaper knew this is where Superman's parents lived.

Superman knocked and a woman opened the door, she hugged Superman and Superboy, or Clark and Conner. A cat walked out of the door behind her and went right up to him, she looked up at him and he knelt down. He was about to pet her but he stopped, animals had never hated him but he was afraid of hurting them.

Maybe afraid wasn't the right word, or it fit all too well, either way he didn't think it would be a good idea. Clark, Conner, and Martha all watched him and were confused, but before they could really ask about it Clark's dad, Jonathan, came out. He smiled, "You must be Reaper."

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