You May Be Right

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Reaper wasn't happy, he'd been shot and was bleeding but he couldn't take care of it because he was still being chased. He hid behind a tree and a bullet hit the wood, it was closer then he would have liked, this wasn't good. Reaper turned into smoke and attacked the guards, there weren't too many of them so he took them down easily.

He took the small opportunity to run and if he was right he wasn't too far from the ship, he couldn't give them a chance to catch up. He ran as fast as he could to get to the ship, he could just barely see it through the trees when he heard a gun go off. He felt a bullet go into his leg and he growled, he took out a grenade and pulled the pin before throwing it.

There was a bright flash of light and Reaper made it to the ship, as soon as he got in he shouted, "Go, now!"

It came out as more of a growl then anything and Miss Martian immediately took off, Aqualad looked at him, "What happened?"

"Nothing I couldn't handle."

Batman glared at him a little, "It doesn't matter if you could handle it, you could have gotten caught or killed."

Reaper tossed something at Batman, it was the drive with the information, "I got what you wanted, I don't need a lecture."

Black Canary looked at Reaper and her eyes widened a little, "What is that?"

She pointed to his leg and he didn't even need to look, "Blood." They all froze, "Calm down, it's mine."

Robin spoke, "That doesn't make it better."

Reaper just ignored them and got on one knee before digging the bullet out of his leg like it was nothing. When he pulled the bullet out he put it in his pocket before taking out a small canister, he sprayed something on the wound which seemed to seal it. He then dug the bullet out of his shoulder and sealed that wound too, that wasn't pleasant to see.

Kid Flash spoke, "Doesn't that hurt, at all?"

"It wouldn't matter if it did."

The heroes looked at each other but didn't say anything, even with the mask they could tell he didn't want to talk. It was silent the entire way to the mountain and Reaper stood despite his injured leg. When they got to the mountain Reaper turned into smoke and left the ship, by the time the other heroes got out he was gone.

The heroes headed inside so they could rest, or try to, and when Robin started to walk away Batman held him back. Robin gave Batman a confused look, "What?"

Batman looked serious, "Keep a close eye on Reaper."

Robin looked suspicious now, "Why?"

Batman mentally sighed, "Because you may have been right about him."

Robin looked shocked and Batman left, Robin blinked a few times before he smiled because Batman was starting to believe him. Robin then walked to the one place he might find Reaper, his room, he knocked at Reaper spoke, "Go away."

At least he knew where Reaper was now, "Reaper, I just want to talk."

A few seconds passed before the door opened, "What?"

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay, I mean you did get shot but you managed to complete a mission no one on the team could have alone."

"You say that like you didn't help."

Robin looked away for a second, "Well I still messed it up but you got the information anyway."

"You didn't know about the automatic reboot and neither did I, things happen, no plan is foolproof."

Robin looked sad now, "And that doesn't apply to you?"


"You wouldn't leave even after being discovered and thought the mission was more important then your life even though we could have figured something else out."

Reaper sighed but it almost sounded like a growl, "I'm sure you noticed that I'm trained in stealth. I was taught to complete a mission at any cost which is why I go on solo missions, I'm a means to an end."

"Do you know how messed up that sounds, trained or not you're a teenager and it's like someone wanted you to be a weapon or something."

Reaper was quiet, he didn't say a word and Robin got the feeling that he'd been right to some extent. That almost scared him, after a minute or two Reaper finally spoke, "Get out."

He didn't sound angry, he didn't sound like anything, Robin hesitated before deciding he should leave Reaper alone. Robin walked to the door and was about to open it but stopped and looked at Reaper, "If you need anything-."

Reaper had already turned away and cut him off, "I won't."

Robin frowned and left, he felt horrible just thinking about what must have happened to Reaper. After Robin left Reaper sat on the bed in the room, he felt numb, first he somehow lands in another universe and now this. He had no idea what to do now, for most of his life he'd been taught to take orders and complete his mission.

But there was no one to take orders from and he didn't really have a mission now, what the hell was he supposed to do? He didn't want to sit still, he turned into smoke and left the room before going into the vents. He heard voices and realized they were coming from the living room area, he left the vents and hid in the hallway.

He could hear what was said quite easily, the team was talking and Miss Martian spoke, "Do you think Reaper's okay?"

Kid Flash spoke, "I'm sure he's fine."

The speedster didn't sound too sure and Artemis spoke, "That was kind of insane though, he dug the bullets out like they were nothing."

Aqualad spoke, "They would have had to be removed anyway."

Superboy spoke, "If he were as good as he says he is he wouldn't have gotten caught."

Robin spoke, "It was my fault he got caught and he stayed to finish the mission, he wouldn't have gotten hurt otherwise."

They were all silent for a minute until Artemis spoke, "It's kind of stupid but it made me think about my mom."

Kid Flash sighed, "Yeah, I mean our jobs are dangerous, what if the people we care about get hurt?"

They were all silent again and Reaper decided to leave, he went to the bedroom again and tried to fall asleep but he couldn't. He kept thinking about what the heroes said, they were worried about the people they cared about, and it as his fault. It had been a while since he tried to fall asleep, when he checked the clock it had been over two hours.

He growled to himself and got up without a sound, he accessed the bases computer and it took a minute or two to hack in. He found hidden files on all of them that also listed their families, some of them didn't have families but some of them did. Kid Flash had his parents, Robin had Batman and a family friend named Alfred, and Artemis had her mother.

But it wasn't just them, the older heroes had family too and he knew that powers or not they wouldn't always be there to protect them. Reaper thought, and thought, and though, an idea formed in his head and he couldn't stop it despite his attempts. He couldn't get it out of his head so he did the only thing he could think of, he acted on it.

It took hours to finish and when he came back he was tired, he finally fell asleep.

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