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Red Tornado had called all of the mentors and Flash went to help Batman after he arrived but not before telling Kid Flash everything would be okay. The other mentors arrived not long after and they waited for the rest of the team to get back to make sure they were okay. The team got there after almost an hour and none of them looked happy, their mentors did their best to calm them down.

Meanwhile, Red Tornado told Batman when the team got back but he was still trying to help Reaper. The teen was currently laying on one of the beds in the medical bay, his coat was on one of the chairs and Batman had his mask. This was the first time Batman had seen any of his scars, he almost didn't want to think about what caused them.

He looked at Reaper's mask and wondered why he wore it at all, or why he'd choose to wear a mask like this. Flash had taken a sample of his blood to make sure there wasn't something in his blood they didn't know about. Batman kept looking at Reaper's mask until Flash spoke, "Oh my god."

Batman looked at the speedster, "What?"

"You might want to look at this." Batman walked over and Flash brought up what he saw in the microscope on the screen, what Batman saw was disturbing to say the least. Flash looked at him, "Reaper's cells are in a simultaneous state of decay and regeneration at a hyper accelerated rate, do you have any idea how painful that would be?"

Batman looked at the screen, then back at Flash, "What exactly could cause this?"

"I don't know, I've never seen anything like this, but it does explain a few things."

Batman raised an eyebrow, "Meaning?"

"Think about it, Reaper can heal quickly because that's what his body does, it's probably why he can turn into smoke too. It probably makes it less painful for him but staying like that for too long is dangerous."

"How is it dangerous?"

"He's literally smoke, smoke disperses in air, if he stays like that for too long his atoms will come apart and poof, no more Reaper."

"What about his cells, what does it mean exactly?"

Someone behind him answered, "It means I'm constantly dying."

Batman looked back and Reaper was awake, he took the IV out of his arm and grabbed his coat from the chair before putting it on. Batman walked over and held out his mask to him, Reaper carefully took it from him and put it on. "So you knew about all of this?"

"I've known for a long time, the pain was enough to tell me that something was wrong."

Flash spoke, "But the amount of pain you must be in, it has to be excruciating."

"It is, I just ignore it, getting shot or stabbed doesn't even hurt as much, but when you're in this much pain all the time you get used to it."

Batman and Flash were silent, Reaper got up and left the room, neither of them stopped him and they both felt bad for him. They went to find the team and they'd all gone to the living room as well as the other Leaguers. They walked in and the team immediately stood up, Miss Martian spoke, "Is Reaper okay?"

Flash spoke, "Well, he's alive, and awake."

Robin spoke, "But is he okay?"

Both of the Leaguers were quiet for a second and Batman finally answered, "We found out something about Reaper."

Aqualad spoke, "What is it?"

Flash answered, "I took a blood sample to make sure nothing else was wrong, when I looked at it I found out his cells decay and regenerate at a hyper accelerated rate."

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