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Several minutes went by in silence before Reaper walked into the room, "I've memorized everything."

Batman looked at the team, "Get ready to leave, you'll be back up in case something goes wrong. Black Canary and I will be going with you, be ready to leave in ten minutes, and Reaper-."

"Don't try to hurt anyone or do anything suspicious, I know."

Batman looked like he was going to say something but thought better of it, everyone left to get ready and were at the bio-ship in ten minutes. They headed out and Reaper chose to stand unlike the others, everyone was quiet until Kid Flash spoke to Reaper. "So how are you planning on getting inside the building?"

"After Robin opens the door I can get in using my wraith form, I can avoid the cameras and automatic defenses too."

Robin spoke, "I can hack into the sensors and defenses too, it'll make it easier."

Reaper just hummed in acknowledgement and Black Canary spoke, "Wait, what wraith form?"

"When I turn into smoke, it's called my wraith form."

Batman spoke, "How long have you been able to do that?"

"Does it matter?"

The heroes went silent again, the team mostly talked using the mind link and Reaper was unnaturally still. It was hard to tell if he was even breathing, he just kept looking out the window in front of him without saying a word. Miss Martian eventually spoke, "We're approaching the building."

Reaper spoke, "Hold at fifty yards so Robin can hack in and then continue so I can jump out and circle around to hold at one kilometer."

Miss Martian looked at Batman who spoke, "Do as he says."

Miss Martian nodded and stopped when Reaper told her to, Robin hacked in while Batman stood up and gave Reaper an earpiece. "Keep this on at all times and do not lose it."

"Don't give me orders."

Nonetheless Reaper put the earpiece in his ear and Robin looked at him, "I'm in."

Reaper looked at Miss Martian who nodded, she opened the hatch in the floor and got closer to the building. Reaper walked over to the hatch and fell through, a few of the heroes were shocked but before he hit the ground he turned to smoke. He stayed in his wraith form until he got to the outside door and changed back, Robin opened the door and Reaper walked through.

Robin put the feed on the cameras on a loop and spoke into his earpiece, "The cameras are on a loop."

"What about the sensors?"

"I'm working on it, I'll let you know when I disable them."

Robin brought up the real security footage and watched as Reaper snuck through the hallways. Two guards were coming and he turned into smoke and moved through the vents, Robin spoke, "The sensors are off."

Reaper moved out of the vents and turned back, "Then I'll head to the main computer, there's a set of security doors you'll have to open."

"Ready when you are."

Reaper made his way to the main computer while avoiding guards and came to a lab with a large metal door. The main computer was on the other side of the lab so he'd have to make it through there if he wanted to get to the computer. Reaper spoke, "Robin, I need you to open the door but only a few inches, I can get through and no one will notice that it was open."

"As soon as I'm through close it and get ready to open the other doors, if we time this wrong someone will see me."

Robin took a second to breathe, "I've got it, tell me when to open the door."

Reaper waited a few seconds, "Now."

Robin opened the door and the bottom opened a few inches, Reaper shifted and when under the door, as soon as he was through Robin closed the door. Reaper immediately hid behind some equipment and someone walked right past his hiding place. As soon as they walked by Reaper shifted and hid behind a machine, he climbed up the machine just before two people walked past.

Reaper waited for a few seconds before jumping to another machine, he glanced around before jumping. He landed on a stack of metal beams that were being hoisted up, when it stopped he jumped and grabbed onto a hook that went past the beams he'd landed on. When that stopped he swung to a support beam and got across the lab by jumping from one beam to another.

When he got to the other end of the lab he jumped and turned to smoke when he landed on a machine before reforming. He climbed down from the machine and hid while a few people passed him, when they did he shifted to smoke and went over to the doors. Robin opened the doors and he could get in without slowing down, Robin closed the door and Reaper shifted back.

Reaper spoke, "I'm in, I should be able to get the information and get back out."

"Okay, just be careful."

Reaper walked up to the computer and got in before he started downloading the files, unfortunately it would take a few minutes to download them. Reaper watched as the files were slowly downloaded and Robin looked away when Artemis spoke, "How did he pull that off?"

Black Canary spoke, "It looks like he was trained in stealth, he probably has experience with it."

Superboy spoke, "So do we."

Batman spoke, "But most of your missions don't stay stealth missions, his training would also account for his other skills."

Black Canary looked at Batman, "How long do you think it took for him to get this skilled?"

"Years, he probably started from a young age which means he was either born with his abilities or got them at an early age."

The young heroes glanced at each other before they heard what sounded like sirens and they looked at the camera footage. Red lights were flashing and Aqualad spoke, "What happened?"

Robin quickly typed a few things in, "There was an automatic system reboot, when it happened the camera feed wasn't on a loop anymore." Robin spoke into his earpiece, "Reaper, get out of there."

"Not until the download is done."

Batman spoke into his earpiece, "This mission isn't worth your life."

"Yes it is, that's what I was taught, I'm not leaving until this is done."

Black Canary spoke, "Reaper, we can get the information some other way, just go."

Reaper ignored her, Robin saw guards running to the room and Reaper kept watching the screen. As soon as the download was done he took out the USB and put it in his pocket, not even five seconds later the doors opened and a dozen guards were at the door. Reaper growled, actually growled, and turned into smoke to get past them before turning back and running.

The guards were shooting at him and Black Canary spoke, "Reaper, stay in your wraith form."

"I can't."

Just then Reaper got shot in the shoulder and he hid behind some machinery, Batman spoke, "What do you mean you can't?"

Reaper looked out from his hiding place and took out his gun, he shot at the guards and made sure to just hit near their hands so they'd drop their guns. "I am not explaining this to you nor do I have the time right now."

Reaper ran out of the lab and turned to smoke to go through the vents to avoid more of the guards. When he left the vent he turned back and he was almost at the exit when three guards blocked his way. Reaper growled and attacked them, he punched one in the face and kicked the other two in the chest.

He then got to the door and it was locked, he took out his gun and shot it, it broke part of the lock so he kicked the door open. He ran out of the building and Robin lost him, he was just hoping he would be okay.

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