Not A Hero

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Reaper was tired, after saving Iris he took care of his injuries and yelled at himself for letting Iris see him. Maybe he should have risked taking them out one by one, maybe he should have cut the backup power too. But he was tired so he ended up falling asleep before he could think about it much more then that.

He woke up the next morning and he was tired, not to mention the pain was a bit worse today, so it was a bad day. Despite that he got up and he grabbed his mask, he rubbed his eyes before putting it on and he popped his joints. He replaced the grenade he'd used last night and left the room, he heard voices as he walked to the living room.

He didn't pay attention to what was being said and as soon as he walked in he froze, standing with the heroes in the living room was Iris. He was quiet for a second as he looked at her, "Shit."

He was about to turn and leave but Flash ran over and blocked his exit, Flash might not be too happy with that decision soon. Batman spoke, "Reaper, we need to talk."

Reaper looked at him, "Right, because you're suddenly more into talking then giving orders?"

Flash was about to lead Reaper over to the others but Reaper hit his hand away and walked a little closer himself. Flash went back over to Iris and Batman spoke, "Iris was attacked last night."

"I must have missed it on the news."

"Someone got her to safety and the terrorists that took over the building were found unconscious."

"What a peculiar thing to happen."

Batman glared at him, "We know it was you."


Flash spoke, "Why, why did you do all of this, you don't know any of them so why?"

Reaper looked away, "When I came here everything I had, everything I knew, was gone, all of it. I was meant to do one thing, follow orders, to complete my mission and if I died I was expendable anyway, it didn't matter. But I overheard the team talking about their families, I never really had a family, any friends I had usually died."

"My mission was gone, everything I was trained for, every mission I went on, everything I was willing to sacrifice, all of it meant nothing. But if I didn't have a mission anymore I thought maybe I could find one, and if you were so worried about the people you loved I could make that my mission."

"If I died then it wouldn't matter, I was never meant to be one of the heroes anyway so people would forget about what I did." Reaper turned around and took off his mask, he took a breath before looking at his mask, they were never meant to be the heroes. He felt his hand shake just a little and he put his mask back on, nothing he did would have mattered.

The heroes looked at each other and Iris walked over to Reaper, he turned around just before she hugged him and he was shocked. He froze, all of the heroes would swear he'd stopped breathing, Reaper knew he had, he had no idea what to do. Iris let him go and smiled before looking at Flash, "We're having him over for dinner."

Many of the heroes looked shocked and Flash spoke, "Iris, maybe-."

"If you say we shouldn't you're sleeping on the couch for a month."

Flash stayed quiet and the heroes could tell Reaper was shocked even without seeing his face. Kid Flash leaned toward Flash, "Are you really going to let her do this?"

"Do you want to try to talk her out of it, and I have no say in what she does."

Iris sent a quick text and smiled, "We need to get a few things, and Reaper can stay with us for the night."

Reaper finally seemed to snap out of it when he heard that, "Hold on, you can't really want me anywhere near your home."

Iris looked at him, "Yes, I do."

"No, you really don't."

"Give me one good reason why I wouldn't."

Reaper didn't look amused, "Look at me, I carry guns and grenades and that's just what you can see. I can turn into smoke and if I really wanted to I could kill you in your sleep without you knowing."

Iris smiled, "Have you seen the other people in this room?"

Reaper was silent and Flash spoke, "Well, I know Iris isn't going to change her mind so I'm not going to stop her, and it could be fun, like a party."

Reaper gave them a strange look from behind his mask, "A what?"

Most of them stared at him in shock and Kid Flash spoke, "Dude, how do you not know what a party is?"

"I've heard of them but I've never seen one."

Artemis spoke, "You don't see a party, you go to one."

"My point still stands."

Miss Martian spoke, "Haven't you at least celebrated your birthday?"

"No, why would I do that?"

The heroes stared at him for a minute before Robin spoke, "Okay, I'm teaching you about holidays."

"I know about holidays I was just always on missions when they were happening and I didn't want to celebrate them anyway. I mean honestly, Christmas is about some guy in a red suit watching you in your sleep and breaking into your house to leave you presents in exchange for cookies."

Robin thought about that for a second, "Okay, now that I think about it Christmas is a little messed up."

The heroes weren't sure how to respond at this point and Iris spoke, "We're still having you over for dinner."

Reaper wasn't happy, "Damn."

Iris just smiled and turned to leave, Flash followed her and after they left Kid Flash spoke, "Hang on, that means Flash has to tell you who he is."

Reaper rolled his eyes, "He's Barry Allen, you're Wally West."

Kid Flash looked shocked and Artemis spoke, "If he knows who our families are then he knows who we are too."

Green Arrow spoke, "But why didn't you just tell us it was you?"

Reaper looked away, "I thought you were going to be far angrier then you seem to be, and like I said, I was never meant to be the hero."

Reaper didn't give them a chance to respond, he turned into smoke and left, he wasn't a hero.

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