I Can

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Reaper felt like morning came far too quickly, the boy he'd saved introduced himself as Robin. He also told him who everyone else was and after leading him to a room he could stay in left him alone to sleep. It was much easier said then done and he didn't get much sleep due to that fact that he chose to gather more information.

He wandered around in his wraith form until he found the library and he pulled out every book he could about history. He read each of them and figured out a few things, the first was that this really wasn't his universe by any means. He'd found a book about heroes and found out about their so called Justice League which he knew had never existed in his universe.

Other details were vastly different but at this point they weren't as important to him, what was important was one thing. Something that had been a large part of his life was gone, he wasn't sure how to feel about that. He felt like he should be happy, maybe arguably sad, but he almost felt numb, there was only one thing he actually missed.

Reaper eventually went back to the room he'd be staying in and he slept a little more but not for long. He eventually just decided to actually get up for the day around nine, he got up and found that the other heroes were already awake. He didn't feel like socializing but knew he'd probably have to eventually so he reluctantly walked into the room.

They all at least glanced at him when he did but they didn't say anything, Robin actually smiled at him. Reaper wasn't sure why he did but he wasn't going to question it, Robin gestured for him to sit next to him on the couch and he did. He didn't have anywhere else to be nor did anyone else want to be anywhere near him so he didn't argue.

Robin was watching the news and Reaper paid very little attention to it, he wanted to do something but knew he couldn't. He wasn't used to sitting around doing nothing, he was used to having missions to go on or work to do. Robin noticed how restless he was, it wasn't too noticeable but he could tell and he wasn't sure why he was.

It could be for a number of reasons, Robin didn't get much time to think about it because the zeta tubes announced Black Canary's arrival. The team went to see why she was there and Robin looked at Reaper, "Are you coming?"

"Do I have a choice?"

Robin wanted to say yes, he really did, but he was guessing that Black Canary might find Reaper either way. Reaper got up and walked with Robin to go see Black Canary, she seemed to be waiting for them. When they walked into the room she looked at him, "So you're Reaper."

Reaper looked bored, "That's what people call me."

Black Canary's smile looked just slightly forced now, like she was troubled by the response but didn't want to show it. Aqualad spoke, "Are you here for training Black Canary?"

She looked at the young hero, "Yes I am, and since Reaper is new I need to see what he can do." She looked at the teen, "You can't use any weapons but I don't know much about your powers so you can use those."

Reaper took out his guns and dropped them on the ground like they were nothing before walking into the training area. Everyone but Robin looked a little worried, Robin didn't know why but he wasn't worried, Reaper wouldn't actually hurt Black Canary. They both waited for the countdown to hit zero and when it did the fight officially started and Black Canary moved first.

Reaper stayed perfectly still and when she tried to punch him he turned into smoke and she went right through him. He reformed behind her but didn't attack, when Black Canary turned and saw him she attacked again. Just then Batman and the other mentors walked in using the zeta tubes and Reaper easily dodged Black Canary's attack.

She couldn't land a single hit on him but he didn't try to attack her, at least, not for the first thirty seconds. When she tried to punch him again he grabbed her wrist and flipped her over his shoulder. She still landed on her feet but Reaper didn't seem phased, it looked like he expected it and when she moved to attack he did too but he was faster.

He punched her in the stomach just hard enough to shock her for a second and then swept her feet out from under her. She hit the ground and the fight was over, Reaper turned into smoke and picked up his guns before turning solid again. He put them back in their holsters and Black Canary spoke, "How do you know how to fight like that?"

He looked at her, "If you think this is my first time training with someone you are very wrong." Reaper rolled his shoulder and several joints popped, he looked at Batman, "Here to make sure I haven't shot anyone yet?"

Batman looked at him, "No, the team has a mission."

Aqualad spoke, "What is the mission?"

"You need to infiltrate a heavily guarded base, the League of Shadows has been running operations there and we need to know why."

Artemis spoke, "It shouldn't be that hard then."

"It'll be harder then you think, every way in and out has a sensor, every door can only be unlocked with a passcode or remote access. There are guards patrolling inside and out, the vents are too small for just about anyone to fit through, and there are automatic defenses and cameras everywhere."

Miss Martian spoke, "Which means it's impenetrable."

Reaper spoke, "No, it's not."

Kid Flash looked at him, "Who could possibly get inside that place?"


Superboy crossed his arms, "You're lying."

"I've gotten into places that were better guarded then that."

Batman looked at the teen, "Can you really get in?"

"Easily, but having to open the doors will slow me down, I can hack in but there's a higher risk of getting caught."

Robin spoke, "I can hack in."

Batman looked at Robin, "No."

"I don't have to be inside to hack in, I just have to be close enough to the building and I can open any doors Reaper needs to get through."

Batman wanted to argue but Robin wouldn't be risking much, especially compared to Reaper, he looked at Reaper again. "What do you need to get in?"

"As much information as you can give me on the floor plan and security measures, I can make a plan in less then an hour."

Batman brought up all of the information they had, "We don't have much."

Reaper walked up to the screen, "I've worked on far less, give me twenty minutes to memorize everything."

Reaper was already looking through the information and Flash looked shocked, "Twenty minutes?"

"I know it's a lot of time, I'll work as fast as I can."

Superman spoke, "That's not it, you can memorize all of that in twenty minutes?"

"Actually now that I'm glancing through it I can do it in ten, still slower then normal though."

The heroes wanted to say something else but Reaper gestured for them to leave him alone, them talking was distracting him. The heroes left the room to let him work and Reaper continued reading through the information. The heroes went to the living room and Artemis spoke, "He can't actually do all of that right?"

Green Arrow spoke, "He might actually be able to, we don't know much about him."

Superboy spoke, "Which is why we shouldn't trust him."

Miss Martian spoke, "But we didn't know much about each other when the team was formed."

Kid Flash spoke, "But we had mentors that already knew us."

Robin was about to speak but Batman cut him off, "Enough, like it or not Reaper seems to be the only one that can complete this mission. This team isn't suited for stealth missions like this but Reaper seems to have some experience with them, he will be going on this mission."

Most of the young heroes wanted to argue but one look from Batman told them he wasn't changing his mind. They weren't happy about it but Robin was, he couldn't wait to see what Reaper could do, this was going to be fun.

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