𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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yoongi awoke to the sound of humming. his eyes squinting as it tries to adjust to the lighting, only finally getting a clear view of what's in front of him a few seconds later.

jihyo was sat on the bed, absentmindedly humming some tune while scrolling through her phone. her voice was like a lullaby but something made him wake up.

the voice. he swore he's heard it before. something triggers a headache. his head throbbed, as if a memory pushed backwards is awakened. a memory he's unsure of, a faded memory of the past.

how could he be certain? it's not really him, his heart was speaking for him. yoongi's head was spinning with questions, questions he was eager to find answers quickly.

he was snapped out of his daze when jihyo turns to him. "oh! you're awake!" she exclaims as she put her phone on the table beside the bed.

"yeah." he cleared his throat when his voice came out raspy. "how are you feeling?" yoongi follows a question.

jihyo hums, "i'm all good now." she receives a nod from him. "that's good to hear." he smiles at her in relief. "the next time someone bothers you, tell me." he adds, reverting to his stoic expression easily. she purses her lips, muttering an apology before bowing her head.

"it's fine. all that matters is you're safe now." he reaches for her hair, patting it twice before completely messing it.

"who told you you're allowed to mess with my hair?!" jihyo shrieked, hurriedly fixing her hair. "i'm your boss, i could do whatever i want." he replied, his smug grin earned an eyeroll from her.

"i want to ask you something..." jihyo cautiously asked. yoongi just stared at her, so she went on. "earlier... you said something about-"

the door burst open.

"we got the snacks!" jihyo was cut off by momo entering with a lot of bags, which they assume all contain food. sana and mina followed suit, mina with an annoyed look dashed towards momo, "i told you to not barge in like that." she nagged, taking the plastic bags from the eldest.

"i see mr. min has also woken up, please join us." sana offered. mina took the food out of the bags. "are you okay with chinese?" she asked, before handing the two their food. "this lady wanted to have dumplings." she side-eyed momo, who was already munching her dumplings.

jihyo laughed, "i'm fine with anything. you guys really didn't have to buy me food." she said, before taking a spoonful of the meal. "but we wanted to. just let us be." sana smiled at her.

"i'll make it up to you guys soon." she replied, looking at the three with a grateful expression.

yoongi silently watched her, she's really thoughtful, he spoke to himself. she's the one who got hurt, but she's still caring for the others.


let's see where this road will lead me.


it was a day an overtime was necessary, so jihyo was sat in her desk reviewing a couple of files as the cubicles surrounding her were already empty. the only light on was the lamp she bought for her desk.

she offered to stay despite being ordered to go home, and yoongi couldn't really refuse as she was so persistent. so he let her.

it was past an hour when yoongi came out of his office, only to see a half-asleep jihyo, her elbow propped on the desk, her hand supported her head. her other hand gripped on the edge of the file, she must've dozed off while reading.

yoongi smiled at the sight, before slowly approaching her space. he lightly knocked on her desk, watching her flutter her eyes open, before panicking at the sight infront of her.

"mr. min! i'm so sorry, i-" jihyo freaks out, her hands flying everywhere. "it's getting late, we should go now." he says, before going back to his office to fix his things.

jihyo huffed, she thought that she would be scolded for dozing off. she organized the papers, making sure that everything is prepared for tomorrow.

"let's go?" yoongi came back with his things. "oh... i'll take the bus. you could go first." jihyo shyly offers. "nonsense. it's dark, i wouldn't want to let you walk alone." his stern voice resounds through the whole office.

yoongi gestures to the exit and starts to walk, jihyo just follows him quickly to his car.

it isn't the first time she'd enter his car, but she's still embarrassed nonetheless. jihyo just gripped her seatbelt, eyes more focused on the night view.

a stomach grumbling disturbs the quiet environment. jihyo shut her eyes tightly, her teeth busy at gnawing her bottom lip.

"sorry." she whispers. she's definitely beyond embarrassed now.

yoongi just grins at her. "let's go grab something to eat first." and before jihyo could protest, he had already turned his car to the nearest drive-thru.

"here." he handed her a paper bag. they're currently at the restaurant's carpark.

"you didn't have to." jihyo grumbles, accepting the bag with hesitation. "sure, but your stomach says otherwise." he teases.

the girl just rolls her eyes, munching on the burger. she sighs, watching the stars above.

"they're so pretty." she mutters. yoongi turns to see what she was looking at and returns his gaze to jihyo, he lets out a smile, "they are."

but not as pretty as the one infront of me. he thought.

"w-what did you say?" he snaps out of it when he sees jihyo's confused face, and it hit him. oh. "did i say it out loud?" he shyly laughs as he placed his hand on his nape.

the latter giggles, "you think i'm pretty?" she asks in a teasing tone. "huh? huh?" she nudges him for an answer.

"of course!" he clears his throat before continuing, "a handsome ceo should also have a pretty secretary." he explains, saving himself from further embarrasment.

"hmmm... you still said i'm pretty, so i'm still taking this as a compliment." jihyo replies, not entirely convinced with his reasoning, but decides to just let it be.

the two sat in comfortable silence, grateful at the company of one another. min yoongi stares at park jihyo, taking in every little detail of her.

i don't know where this path would lead me, but i'm certain that this is the right path.

merry christmas everyone! i hope you have a great holiday with your loved ones ♡

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