Dumb Skater Kid

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When I wake back up, he's gone. And somehow, for some inexplicable reason, I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted, as if my actions have become so much clearer, and yet there is that one part of me that somehow actually likes him to a point where he's somewhat humanised, as if this Drake Rhys is not this Drake, but someone else. A doppelganger.

Of course, he left a note.

I'll be looking forward to seeing you again. Until next time.
                                     All my hate, D.R

A small smile blossoms on my face and I shake my head a bit, looking outside. I smile even though I don't know where he is but I know he's watching, and strangely that does not make me paranoid. If anything, it provides a sense of safety. I step outta bed and stretch my limbs a bit before getting to work. It's 6 o'clock. So as always;

I get up.
I shower.
I dress.
I munch on an apple.
I drive to work.
I enter the precinct.

FBI agents are there too.

Then, someone gets a phone call. It's short. Short enough that I already know what it's about. "We'll be there. Thank you." His head shoots up and looks at us all.

"There's been another murder."

The precinct files out and I jump on my motorbike, following the other police and FBI cars. I already know who did it. I already know who they are. Where they were last night. The reason for the killing. Strangely, it seems as though it's not real, but rather something read out of a novel or vaguely heard. 

I park and lock it before putting my gloves on.

"Hayes, you can take a step back in this one. We've got it covered." I open my mouth to speak back to the Lieutenant. Neil interrupts me. 

"She is the one that pointed out the burn marking on the last victim. Not even you could see that. Much less tell what happened before the death, so I suggest you step back and let the detective do her work." Damn. I've never had someone stand up for me. It felt... Warming. I flash a small smile at Neil and a toothy one blossoms onto his face. He pushes me gently away and walks next to me away from the Lieutenant.

"Thanks Neil"

"Anytime Brook." I smile. Then his face turns stoic and sour. I look down in front to see what he was looking at.

2 bodies. Mangled. You can't even tell if it's a guy. You can't even tell if they're people or just masses of blood and gore and shredded clothing. The blood is sticky and wet due to the rain from last night and early morning.

Neil squats down near the heads, – or what looked like heads – careful to not step in the huge diluted blood pool before brushing the skin behind their neck to clear it up so you can see the mark. Clear as day.

"It was him." The FBI chief nods and goes back to observing the scene. I do too. I take a few pics, look around.

"What do you have Hayes?" Neil comes by my side again.

"Well, they weren't killed here. That's for sure. Even though it rained, you can see that there's no sign of struggle or any blood coming from a different place from this plot of land. It's also fairly open. There would've been a risk of getting seen. There's two bodies and quiet a few apartment windows that have a clear view of here. So it is likely that they were killed somewhere and brought here with the intent of being found soon. There won't be any finger prints or foot prints of the killer due to the rain which makes it hard to track him."

"Well done." He looks back at the bodies. "It's hard to believe someone would do that to another person. Scary even."

"But he must've had a reason. No one kills just because."

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