Land down under

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I've made my decision.

I cannot go on like this.

Damian can't.

Neither can the twins.

We're going on a sea trip.

"Pack your bags Damian. We're going to Australia." His eyes snap up.


"Yep. We're going to find your father."

Then, for the first time in years, he smiles brightly.

He hugs me tightly.

"I know it's hard for you and him for whatever reason, so thank you." I smile.

"Anything for you Damian. Anything for you."

"Do you even know which way it is?"

"Course I do. Google maps should be somewhat correct."

"If you say so..." He sighs and rests back against the bench in the edges of the boat.

I glance at the Twins. Sound Asleep. Right now it's around 9PM. The night is calm. A slight chill in the wind.

"Mum... If you don't mind me inquiring, why did he take this... break? Why did he only come after?" I sigh.

"I suppose it's time you knew...." I inhale deeply. The salty, cool air brings the scent of old home to me. Real home. "Your Dad was a killer. I was in Ireland at the time. I just started my job as a detective. It had been a couple of weeks when he first killed in the area I was working in. He started leaving notes for me. After a couple murders, he appeared at my balcony door, holding 2 dead guys. It scared the hell outta me. It was raining too. For some reason, I let him in after he asked. I developed a... liking to him. A co worker of mine at the time reminded me he was cold hearted and that he was a monster. That there was no way to help him recover somehow. I stopped reading the notes. It lasted for a couple of weeks. Maybe a month or two. The liking I had for him had disappeared, or so I thought. It came back when he and I met again. He said that he'd kill a hundred or 2 hundred women and children if I didn't come with him... Of course I went with him then. He grew an addiction of sorts towards me. He raped me, beat me, whatever he felt like. After a while, I made a deal with him. I'd sleep with him and in exchange, he wouldn't kill as much. Turned out that was all for nothing. Even though our... Deal meant nothing in that way, I was hurt deeply when he slept with someone else. His cousin and his friend took me away from him, saying that Drake was out of control. I learnt that he killed my dad. And that he was in fact just killing more people when our deal was on. He also made it look like I too was in with the killings. I was furious. I hated him with everything I had. Then, the cops came. I escaped but was caught by some sadist. That's how I got these scars. Finally done with me, he beat me with a crow bar and blew up the warehouse he left me in. Somehow I survived. I woke up 7 months later with no memory of Drake or Ireland. I couldn't be bothered with it. I had you, that was all that mattered. His 'death' was broadcasted world wide for all to see. That's when I remembered him. Only the good parts of him. Only when and how he was so kind and caring and gentle and wonderful... A couple weeks and a month before he left, I remembered. All my memories came back. I didn't want to believe it. I loved Drake. I couldn't avert picturing him doing those things in my memory. So, with selfishness, I didn't say anything. I promised myself one more month. If he doesn't come clean by then, I'm breaking it off. I told him to leave. That I never want to see him again. That he must not ever contact you or the twins. He was broken. I gave the rings back. I left him. Ever since then, I regret it. I didn't notice how important to me he was. How important he was to you or the twins. For that, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that it took me this long to realise that I need him back. That we need him back."

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