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It's been a year.

Damian is great. He's said his first word. Food.

Of course I feel somewhat lonely, but as soon as that feeling comes, it vanishes as Damian starts blabbering on or laughing or crying or whatnot.

I haven't seen the news in forever. I haven't seen anything on TV in ages.

I decide today's the day. Today's the day that I put an end to my record.

It makes a flick noise before it turns on.

The LED is like legit blinding. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust. I flick through channels before coming across the news channel. I turn the volume up.

"Today, today is a momentous day. Today is the day where the killer we all loathe and disgust pays for what he's done. Today, This man, Drake Cassian Rhys, will die! His death will be publicised world wide! We warn you, you may get triggered. That-is-the warning-so-you-cannot-complain-about-us-not-giving-a-warning. If-something-happens,-That's-your-fault." He says the last part fast. I roll my eyes.

Drake Rhys.... I know him.... But I don't.

Then, his face shows up on the screen. He's on a wooden stage. There's a large pole crane typa thing with a rope hanging from it. There's a hoop at the end. That hoop is strung around this Drake's neck. I can only see his hair though. His head is down.

There's a couple more words said before he gets pushed off the tall stage and the rope tightens. He gets what's coming his way. Wait. No. How can I say that? I don't even know him.

He struggles and convulses, his hands going to the rope to try to pull it loose. Then, his struggle ceases. His motion comes to an end. His head tilts up for the whole world to see.

My heart sinks.

What have I done...

Those eyes stare with a sheen over them. Those lips part slightly.


Tears pour from my eyes.

No no no no no no. This can't be real. This has to be some fake footage. I open my phone quickly and do some research. It's on every website. Every search engine. Every page. Every Goddamn News Heading. They're even naming this day. Making it a public holiday to celebrate on.

It's real...

It's real and there's nothing I can do to change it...

2 hours.

2 hours is how long its taken me to get my lazy ass up and find a razor.

2 hours is how long it's taken me to realise there's no going back.

2 hours is how long it's taken me to relatively calm myself.

2 hours is how long it's taken me to make the decision of using the same middle name for Damian.

2 hours is how long it's taken me to get the will to cut again.

It's for the best.

It's the only way to deal with... With this.

Drake The Notorious Killer.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt