Past revealed...

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Morning rolls through.

Sun rays shine through the window and onto my skin.

First time in weeks since I've woken up with clothes on. Almost seems surreal.

I lay there for a moment. Maybe an hour, just drifting back and forth into sleep.

Teekl meows. I sigh. Gotta feed the cat. I get up slowly, the bruises still hurting, and fill her bowl with milk. She runs over and licks the bowl dry. "Jeez kitty. Your hungry." She blinks up at me, silently asking for more.

I shrug and pour some more in her bowl. It's around lunch time anyway.

I grab a cold shower. Now that I'm awake, I can think properly.

My reflection catches my eye.

My green eyes look dead and like mould. Bruises cover my body like freckles. Same goes for love bites. My hair roots grew out a heap so it's now maroon red at the bottom and dark brown at the top. My hair is just below where my shoulder blade ends. I feel like cutting it. Just the red parts off.

I tie my hair in a pony tail and put another hair tie where the red starts which is like just below my shoulder. I chop it off and catch the red hair. I take off the hair tie and chuck the hair in the bin.

I dry myself off, brush my teeth, dress, and trot downstairs.

I'm stopped in my tracks.

I thought he went to work like always.

I shake my head furiously and continue walking. He hasn't spotted me yet. If he's gonna pretend that yesterday night didn't happen, so am I.

"Hello beautiful." He smiles at me and kisses me on the cheek. I hold back from punching him in the face. "Huh. Did you dye your hair?" Fucking no. Heh. And I thought he paid attention to eery detail.

"No. My hair just grew out." I hold back an eye roll.

"Oh." That's all he says.

I make myself a cup of tea. He sits in a chair and drums his fingers randomly as if agitated.

I take a seat and drink my tea, dipping in cookies here and there.

When I'm done, I stand and put the stuff back.

"Aren't you going to work today?"

"Don't you want me at home?"

"I'll take that as a no." I walk back upstairs. He holds back my arm.

"Hayes... I was hoping we could spend time together." We? Spend time together?! Is he fucking serious?! I throw a fierce glare his way. He flinches the tiniest bit. I rip my arm out of his hold.

"I'll pass." I growl out. He frowns. In anger, maybe. Sadness, maybe. Maybe both.

"I took a day of work to spend with you and you just say no? Can't you be grateful for once?!" I whip my head around.

"What's there to be grateful for? Sure, im not treated that badly, I get to eat, stay in my own room and not some cell and your friends don't rape me, and that I am grateful for, but what else is there!? Nothing! It's not like you saved me or gave me a life that was better than what I had!" I don't register the sound of the slap until a stinging sensation blossoms on my cheek. My hand goes to it and I wince.


"NO! I don't want to hear whatever sappy excuse you came up with! We're done! Over! Not that we were anything. Not to you anyway." I mumble the last part.

"You know that's not true."

"It fucking is Drake." I spit out his name like trash. "How dumb was I to think that I could change you for the better?! How dumb was I to trust you!? How dumb was I to think that you would keep your word?! How dumb was I to think that I mattered to you?! How dumb was I to think that you cared?! How dumb was I to think that you wouldn't betray me? How dumb was I to think that you loved me? How dumb was I to love you back?"

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