Not Exactly A Kiss In The Rain, But Close Enough

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The dreams are back.
They were gone a few days after I took leave from work and my usual nightmares and dreams paused.
Now, they're back.

My eyes burst open and are greeted by the blinding light. I stretch a bit, forgetting that I'm on a branch. I lose my balance and start to fall. Fuck me. Where I slept was at least 4 to 6 meters off the ground. It's like slow motion. I shut my eyes tightly and I turn my body slightly so it dulls the force of the impact. I land with an oomph. The ground's not hard. It's somewhat squishy. It groans. Fuck. I turn my head slowly to meet the eyes of him. His two different coloured eyes stare back at me with a frown.

He looks at the branch I was on. Then back down at me. He starts to laugh. That same laugh gets my heart racing faster. It's the only sound in the early morning other than the occasional bird caw. I frown and roll off him. I gruff and stand, dusting myself off.

He still laughs. Idiot. The rich, hearty, sound echoes its way into my heart.

I simply ignore him.

His laughter still rings in my ear long after he stops.

"You fell?" He says, still laughing in between as he calms. I roll my eyes. He laughs once more. By the time he stops, the sun is already starting to rise above the mountains and tree tops. He clears his throat. "Where are my manners.—"

"Did you even have any to start with?" I grumble. He hears, but simply ignores. He clears his throat.

"— Are you okay?"

"Don't pretend you care."

"I'm not pretending."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." He scowls.

"I'm not. I do care for you. Truly."

"Ha ha ha. That's the second best joke I've ever heard."

"What was the first?"

"Why the fuck should I tell you?"

"Because..." He drags on.

"Exactly. Stop pretending to care. I'm not going to fall for this... This facade of yours." He opens his mouth to interject but I simply turn my back on him and start to walk to the motorbike.

"I'm driving." I say, wearing my helmet and motioning for the keys.

"No your not."

"Yes. I. am." I say slowly.

"No your not. It is unbeknownst to you where we're treading."

"So you can tell me the directions."

"But then you could remember and pinpoint where we are." He says smartly.

"I already know where we are. Redville." I motion to the big sign, no further than 50 meters from the way we came.

"Just shut up. I'm driving. That's final." I huff before he climbs onto the bike. I climb on after him, careful to not make any contact with him. I hold onto the seat once more. We zoom off, travelling at speed before pulling up to a dingy gas station.
"Do as you wish, we're leaving in 20." I slowly get off the bike, walking to the bathroom. The door opens with a squeak, as if reacting to my reflection in the mirror. Firstly, I wash my face before brushing my teeth and taking a dump. Before I know it, 10 minutes have passed, leaving only 10 to go. I walk out, the door squealing oncemore, before I turn to the next door, pushing it open with my eyes on the ground. As it shuts close, I walk the 5 step corridor before turning left into a larger, steam filled place. My feet go rigid mid-step as I register the sound of water pelting out onto the tile floor, and the lack of privacy. Against the wall on my left, three showerheads lay a meter away from one another, no doors between them. Only empty space. Empty space between Drake and I.

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