Deal with the Devil.

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My cat, who I've chosen to name Teekl — after the infamous demon cat Klarion has —, lays inside my shirt in-between my breasts. I snuggle my head down and it rests its head next to my cheek. Soon, I'm out.

It's a light sleep. My brain won't allow me to enter a deep sleep, no matter how comfy or quiet or tranquil it is. I still don't trust him to not do anything.

The car grumbles to a stop. It's a rocky path. You can hear the crunch of gravel under the tires.

Warmth blossoms on my cheek as something drags over it slowly with care and gentleness. It takes a moment for me to realize it's Him. I flinch and squish myself as much as I can against my door and into the corner.

His touch stops for a moment. Then retreats. I shiver. The door closes and opens softly before his footsteps are heard on the gravel stones. After a moment, I peek my eye open. It's a warehouse of sorts. Or an old wooden estate. Maybe more to the estate side. I try to open my door. Darnit. Locked.

I look around. Any signs. Anything that may help me identify where I am.



He starts to come back. I quickly close my eyes and snuggle back into the wet seat.

The car clicks as it unlocks. His door opens. He sits. I can feel his stare on me. It takes my entire self to will myself to not look out of curiosity.

"I know you're awake." I stay still. "I know you heard that." I yawn and make like I'm waking up.

"Did you say something?" He just shakes his head with a stupid smile as he looks back onto the road.

I look out the window as rain starts pouring again. Teekl wakes up. She stretches on me before walking around the car. I watch her. She climbs onto His lap and snuggles into a ball. He looks down at it with something like disgust.

"Get it off me." He sniffles, holding a sneeze in.

"It's just a kitten."

"I don't like cats." He sneezes. A short, dainty sound as if it came from a cat. I laugh. Something I haven't done in a while. "What?"

"Well, a sneeze like that sounds weird coming from a guy like you."

"A guy like me?"

"Well, ya know. Muscular, tall, bad boy vibes, ruthless, heartless, murderous, arrogant, stubborn, selfish, annoyin—"

"Okay, okay, I get it!" His voice sounds pained.

Then we go into silence. Soon enough, we pull up at his estate house thing in the middle of nowhere.

He gets out and starts to walk to the door, leaving the cat on the seat. I pick her up and put her in my shirt again before climbing out slowly, so she doesn't get alarmed or scared.

I retreat into my room, setting down my bought goods, eager to get out of the presence of him. Teekl prances around her new home, exploring as I take a shower, changing out of my damp clothes into another checkered button up with an attached hood and jeans.

It's around 11 o'clock PM when I step out.

Teekl is sleeping on a shirt I put over a pillow, coaxing a smile out of me.

I walk soundlessly out of my room and downstairs before making some hot chocolate. Goose bumps texture my skin, alarming me of someone's presence.

"What are you making?" His voice is husky, slightly slurred.

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