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We keep eye contact for a minute. Maybe two. I frown and pinch my eyebrows together.

"Is it... Is it really you Brook?"

"Unfortunately." I grumble and look away, leaning back in my chair. He doesn't catch on to my unenthusiasm. Shame.

"I can't believe it. After all these years... You look... Different."

"Oh really? I didn't know peoples appearance could change after 12 years." He still doesn't catch on. Would I be this dumb if I weren't a detective?

"I can't believe it's you... My baby sister..."

"Pfft. Oh please. Don't even start." I throw a glare his way.

"I missed you Brook. We all did."

"Huh. Too bad I didn't miss you guys. Maybe I did miss someone. Oh yeah. That's right. My razor called Sanguine." His face falls.


"No! You can't just come into my life all of a sudden and expect me to be all dandy and jolly. That's not how it works. You— all of you, rejected me when I needed you the most. You treated me like I was some piece of shit, or that one fly that somehow ruined your life by flying through the same air you breathed. You repeatedly chased me down, made me feel like I should just die in a hole. Made me realise that if I died, no one would even care or bother having a proper funeral. You'd all just probably ditch me in some alley for rats to eat." I shake my head as I stand. My chair screeches back against the tile floor nimbly. I wave my hands around, emphasising my anger. "Don't try to contact me or bother me again. Next time I won't be as soft." I warn, my voice coming down to normal again. His son places my bag on the counter just as I walk past. I grab it and roughly throw the door open and trudge through it, mumbling profanities.

Water pelts down outside. Just great.

I continue walking, stomping my feet in the puddles out of anger. After some time, I reach the motel we're staying at. I hold the keys in my hand as I walk to the door. I unlock it. And open up.

I walk in, close the door, lock it and put the bag on the kitchen bench top.

Damian greets me with a hug. I hug him extra hard and breathe him in.

"Eeewh, your wet!" He jumps out of my hold and shakes his arms out before stopping with a sinister smile. He turns around and runs to Lori and Lavatera, picking them both up and holding them tight. They both squeal. I laugh.

"C'mon! Let's eat!"


4 hours later, we're all huddled up watching a movie. The twins sleep. Damian drifts in and out.

What am I doing with my life?

How am I supposed to find him? And if and when I do, what will happen next? What would I say? What would I do? What would he do? Does he even think of us anymore? Does he even care? Does he even want to see me and our kids again?

Questions, Questions... So many questions...


I wake up with a sore neck. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the bright light streaming in from the windows. I groan and lift my head up slowly, looking down at Lavatera laying on my lap, Teekl in her arms. Damian lays sprawled over the other half of the large couch with Lori next to him. I smile sleepily before stretching. I move Lavatera a bit so I can get up. She stays asleep.

I stretch my arms out. I touch my toes, crane my neck around, back and forth, then walk into the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face as I stand infront of the sink. I look at myself, my torso leaning onto my hands as I place them on the edge of the sink.

Greeny hazel eyes. More hazel than green now. Dead. My skin looks paler than usual. My lips are pale and slightly chapped. My hair flows down my back until above my ass. I should probably cut it.

I yawn and brush my teeth. The plastic top of the brush hits my gum as I take it back and forth. Fuck. That stings.

I rinse out my mouth soon after, the pinkish foam coming out in deformed blobs and circles. I wash my face once more, brush my hair and walk out before making myself a cup of coffee.

As I sip on the cup, I think. Today... Today I shall take the twins and Damian shopping for the first time.

Damian stirs as if on cue.

"Oh, hey mum." He groans out before stretching.

"Hey there sleepy head. What would you like for breakfast?"

"Hmmm.... Maybe Pancakes?" I nod with a smile before taking out the ingredients and utensils. I hear his soft footsteps across the rug placed in the middle of the room. Soon after, the shower turns on.

Throughout breakfast, the twins talk with Damian, cracking jokes and insults to each other as I laugh along the way.

"So, you guys wanna head to the Shopping Centre?" The twins eyes widen and hey jump in their seats. Damian's eyes twinkle in delight.

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