Jason Todded

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I can't think at this point.

Every moment is filled with torture or pain or irritation.

Perrus is still as creepy as ever. He reminds me of my mother in a way. He tortures me, like her. He acts as if we're friends and all dandy one moment before going back to his true self, just like her.

Time is the least of my worries.

What I need, is to get out.

Every time he finishes a 'session' I feel my mind slip away as well as my life.

I'm growing weaker by the day. I get fed, but nowhere near enough.

Perrus comes in today. From the door. He's not staring at me as soon as I open my eyes. That's new.

My eyes stay trained on him.

"Cmon. We're going for a trip." I can't really move or follow him since I'm legit pinned to a table. I just stay there as he takes out a hammer. I don't shiver in fear, nor do I whimper or avert my eyes. I just stare. I know what is to come. I've just accepted and acknowledged that there's nothing I can do to stop it. If I do manage to somehow get out of the shackles and strike him, he will manage to capture me which will just lead to harsher torture. It's not like I know the layout of this place, where this place is, who else is in the building and so on. I'd say my chances are pretty much 0. I've given up on the thought of someone coming in to save me long before.

Seems like I've been zoning out for too long. Already, he's hooked one nail in the back of the hammer. He pulls. I grit my teeth. My skin has already healed slightly and secured itself over the nail inside of me so it's like ripping a tooth out. But a tooth that is deeper inside of you with hardly anything sticking out.

I don't cry. I've grown out of that.

I don't whimper. Thats just... Not my style.

I grit my teeth. I'm pretty sure I've got TMJ because of it.

He grunts and gives another heave.

The nail comes out.

Blood gushes out of the hole.

He smiles with a glint of evil before moving onto the next. He takes his time taking it out. He wiggles it around and enlargens the hole. I grit my teeth harder.

After a while, he's got 4 out. 7 more to go.

I can feel myself slowly falling and the holes that the nails are still in getting bigger as my body weight it bears the weight of my full body. I'm still upright and the restraint things are no longer on me. He took them off when he nailed the nails in to see how strong the body is.

After a hundred more grunts and teeth grinding, he's done and I fall to the ground on my knees. My whole body is numb and naked. It's been so long since I've had a shower. Since I've brushed my teeth or hair. Since I've cut.

He pulls me by my hair and makes me stand upright. Pain shoots up my legs and through my body like pins and needles, but worse since that too is also going through my body.

It's the first time that I see past the big white doors. There's a white hall. Reminds me of the wing they have to get to in World War Z.

He pushes me occasionally just out of self pleasure. Soon, that long hallway full of turns and twists comes to an end. Big double doors locked heavily stands in our way. He leaves me for a moment and puts in a code, his finger print, his eye scan and voice recognition before finally, a key. And I thought Granny overlocked her door.

He opens it wide. Snow falls and covers every inch outside. He looks me up and down for a moment, lingering on my chest, before tossing me a lab coat from inside that's hanging on a hook. I pull it on slowly. The wounds still bleed, but not as much. Fuck it's cold. I pull it the thin piece tight around me.

He shoves me outside. My feet get cold as hell since it's just on bare snow. I can see my trail of blood behind me. My feet soon numb. Same goes for, well, every part of my body.

I get shoved in the back of a pick up truck and a rough blanket thing gets thrown over my head.

"Don't move." Is all he instructs before I hear the door open and close. The car starts up. We head straight on with the occasional turn.

The ride is over after a while. 7 minutes and 36 seconds to be exact.

The rug thing gets thrown off me. Snow greets me once again. A warehouse too. Some dead trees around it but with a 20 to 40 meter distance between. He shoves me out and pushes me into the house. It's wooden. Kinda looks like a barn. When we're inside, he shoves me onto the floor. I land with a grunt.

I take a moment to gather my strength and look up. He walks back with a crowbar. He rolls up his sleeves wearing a smirk. I blink. He strikes. It catches me right in the eyebrow. Fuck that hurt. Alot.

He does it again, again. He strikes me on my back. On my legs. Not on my stomach though. Wonder why.

Hit after hit.

Grunt after grunt.

It seems to go on forever.

"Tell me, which hurts more? A." He hits me with the crow bar. It makes a clonk as it hits my bone on my face. "Or B" he hits again. Ow. "Well?" I sit up slowly and look at his face before spitting blood out onto it.

"Dunno. They both feel pretty weak to me." He rages and strikes faster. Look, if this is how I'm going to die, I might as well make someone mad.

My eye is swollen. My lip is busted in like 5 different places. My nose is broken. My tooth is wiggly. My bones and muscles ache. I can feel each and every bruise and scratch on my body. I can feel my life slipping away.

My vision is blurry. I can't overpower him. I can't escape.

I then notice I haven't gotten hit in a while. I heave my eyes open with all my power. He's gone. I faintly hear his car drive away. Then, the beeping noise breaks through above my pounding slowing heart beat. My eyes lock onto it.

A bomb. My eyes widen as much as they can before I crawl slowly to the door. There's 30 seconds. I'm half way there. Every motion of movement sends trendils of pain through me.

Every beep makes me realize the cold hard present. I make it to the door. 10 seconds. I raise my bloodied hand to the handle of the door. I pull down on it. I await the cold air. The freezing white snow. The piercing wind. The freedom.
It never comes.
The door is locked.
I look back at the bomb ticking away. 10 seconds. My trail of blood glimmers. I smile weakly.

This is the end.

This is where I die.

I still hate you Drake.

The bomb goes off.

There's a ringing in my ear. It stays there.

I can feel blood pumping down my head.

I can feel wooden panels and stakes puncturing my limbs. I can feel them weighing me down.

I don't see anything.

My heart beat slows.

Now I know how Jason Todd felt. 

And it fucking sucks.

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