Chapter 2 : Snow

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The room was cold, but it didn't bother Jane. The young girl had a good feeling about it. She extracted herself from the blanket and walked to the window to watch outside. She was on tip-toe when she saw everything white.

- "Snow!" stated happily Jane.

The young girl had small jumps of happiness before hitting Constance's bag on the floor and falling on her sister.

- "Jane, I'm sleeping," mumbled the blonde kid.

- "But there is snow! I wanna play in the snow!"

- "Snow!?"

Constance quickly opened her eyes, before gently pushing her sister and running to her window.

- "Oh! Snow!"

The two girls began to run through their room to find their coats, beanies, gloves, scarves, and boots. Once ready, they got out of the room, took quickly the stairs, and opened the door. They stayed a moment without moving, to admire the view, before jumping, stomachs in direction of the ground. The sisters began to laugh, throwing each other snowballs. Once over, they decided to build a snowman. Jane and Constance were putting a scarf around his neck, when their father appeared angrily at the door.

- "Constance!" yelled the man.

The blonde kid lost her smile, and felt embarrassed and anxious, wondering why he was mad at her. She slowly approached him, looking down, ready to have her punishment.

- "You really think you'll bring money by playing in the snow!?"

- "We...we builded a snowman..."

- "I see. Time to go now."

- "Ok..." sighed Constance.

She walked back to the snowman to tell her sister.

- "You're leaving?" asked Jane with a sad tone.

- "Yes..."

- "Oh...I can come with you?"

- "No, stay here with mom and dad, and have fun in the snow for me," weakly smiled Constance.

- "It's less funny without you..."

- "Try to have fun still."

- "Ok..."

She took her little sister's head in her arms, placing a kiss on the top of it, before going back inside the house to pass through the corridor. On her way, she met her mother who, surprisingly, took her in her arms.

- "Be careful," told the woman.

- "I will," answered the kid.

The mother broke the hug and caressed her cheeks before letting her go. Constance frowned, not understanding, and walked away. The mother watched her daughter leaving and joined her husband who was still outside, looking at Jane talking with the snowman.

- "She shouldn't be the one bringing the money," stated the mother between her teeth.

- "Why don't you find a job then!?" replied the man. "Oh yeah! Because of your fucking depression!"

- "Yeah, no wonder why with a husband like you! Not able to find a fucking job! You prefer sending our daughter than admitting you're not qualified enough for the job you're applying for!"

- "She is resourceful, she will be fine," told the father like if it was nothing.

- "She is ten years old, she should be playing with her sister in the snow, but no, you had to send her back in the streets where she could die! Look at Jane! She spends her time talking with inanimate things because she is lonely!"

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