Chapter 2: Transferee

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Xiao Zhan entered the classroom with the new student following him like a chick behind a hen, they both walk in the same straight line. Upon entering he get a chalk and start writing a name on the blackboard. He faced the students and called their attention "Okay everyone, you have a new classmate. This is Wang Fanxing, he will be part of Class 2-A from now on." Xiao Zhan introduced casually. He turned his glance to the young boy on his side "Fanxing, you can introduce yourself to everyone. Tell them something about yourself." He said.

Wang Fanxing looked at everyone first before he finally speak up. The girls were already murmuring, talking that the transfer student is good looking and pretty and also the fact that he is the son of the famous novelist. "Good morning, I am Wang Fanxing, I came from US but I will live in Zhongshan with my family permanently from now on. My hobby is reading books and surfing the internet. I love sweet food and my favorite is strawberry parfait and blueberry cheesecake and also my gender is Beta Male." He introduced continuously until one girl interrupted him.

"Y... you're a Beta?" one girl asked. "I thought you're an omega since your looks qualify as an omega."

"Yeah... you're cute and pretty at the same time. Are you sure you're a Beta?" another girl asked to confirm.

Fanxing nodded his head. "Do you know how many times I ask myself same question?" he answered back. "A hundred times, probably a thousand, like your expression I also think I qualify as an omega but I asked my mother to test me five times and all results showed that I am no doubt a dignified Beta." Fanxing replied disappointedly. "I was disappointed that time and I even got a depression, I didn't eat well, I locked myself in my room just because I wanted my result to be an Omega. I want to be an omega but it didn't happen."

"Why do you want to be an omega? It's the lowest gender."

"Genetically, it is but if you will look at it that way then you are just among the normal billions who has that generic mindset." Fanxing started to argue. "Omega has the most beautiful potential romance that anyone can have." Fanxing continued to talk. Xiao Zhan felt that the conversation is taking too long but the student were so curious about the new student answer so he can't interrupt yet. "Even it turned into myth I always believe that 'fated pair' exist and it's only previledge that omega and alpha gender can have. It's the most beautiful kind of romance that ever existed in this world and I always wanted to experience that but it turned the wrong way and I turn into a Beta like my father. I was so devastated and frustrated."

"Poor you Fanxing." The girls said at the same time.

Xiao Zhan cleared his throat to stop the overdramatic introduction. Fanxing looks like someone who is prim and proper but when he start to open his mouth, he think he can talk nonstop and if Xiao Zhan will not interrupt then they will spend the rest of the school hours listening to the brat's rant. "Fanxing, you can sit down in front. Rey can go at the back." He said.

"Why will I go to the back?" Rey asked. "Transferee should be there."

"Fanxing has bad eyesight, he need to be in front." Xiao Zhan replied. "Don't you like it? You can seat besides Kim if you agreed." Rey immediately stood up and get his things upon hearing Kim's name. She is Rey's ultimate crush in class and everyone knows about it. Fanxing sit down in the front while starring at Xiao Zhan all this time. The teacher noticed it "Is there something wrong?"

"Are you sure we didn't meet before?" Wang Fanxing asked, he actually ask same question while they are on the way to the classroom.

"Nope." Xiao Zhan replied then he resumed with the class agenda for the day.


"Do you think Fanxing will be alright in his new school? Can he adapt well? What if someone bullies him?" Zhui Li asked continuously while she put on her make up. She has a magazine interview in Sandie Magazine and Wang Yibo drive his mother going to the venue. "My son has a pretty face, i'm afraid he will be treated unfairly."

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