Chapter 20: Panic

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While Zhui Li was driving going back home she was not stable anymore. The press con turned out well but there are questions that provoke her and become a trigger to her anxiety. While in the comfort room, she checked on her phone again and that became a detonator to her emotional stability. She read more negative comments and this time she received messages of death threat. Zhui Li can't understand why she was so hated. She just wanted to fulfill her dream to be one of the best writers. She's doing everything for her novel, thinking of the plot on her own, researching of things that she should put on it, making outline and drafts over and over again. She even didn't have time to look after her own children and call her husband because she wanted to make her readers happy but why is everyone hating on her? Why is everyone saying that she was a fraud? That she just copied works of others and she has no originality? Why are the threatening her life? Why do they want her dead? What did she do wrong to deserve all those hurting words?

After the presscon, Mr. Kim offered a driver to bring Zhui Li and Fanxing back home but she wanted to drive so she disagreed. Fanxing rode at the backside while Zhui Li seat on the driver's seat. On their way, Fanxing was busy playing his new Switch but he noticed something odd to his mother. He can hear her weeping and sobbing while driving. It made Fanxing stop playing and sneak a look to his mother. "Mom, are you okay?" Fanxing asked.

"I... didn't do wrong. I... can't understand why you hate me." Zhui Li said but it doesn't answer Fanxing's question at all. The little boy knew that there's something wrong with his mother because she's crying and he wanted to cheer her up. Besides him are the gifts given to them by Zhui Li's fans and Fanxing noticed a box of chocolate on it.

"Mom do you want chocolate?" Fanxing asked her but Zhui Li is not responding to his offer. "Mom... chocolates can make you happy so you should eat one." He added but still Zhui Li is not replying to him nor try to look back at him. Fanxing started to get worried. He's mother is really acting odd because usually, she will turn back to him and smile softly. "Mo... mom, are you okay?"

"Can you stop talking!" Zhui Li shouted on Fanxing, making the young boy startled. "My head is throbbing right now? I have so many things to think and you... you're so noisy!" she shouted again. That shouting make Fanxing speechless in his position. He put back the box of chocolate back to its place and he shut his mouth but he felt so scared and wanted to cry but he held it in thinking that if his mother hears him sobbed then she will get mad at him again.

When the red light was on, Zhui Li turned back and look at Fanxing whose being silent at the back seat and he was in tears but he's covering his mouth so that he will not make a noise. That moment, Zhui Li realized that she was wrong to shout on Fanxing. "I... I'm sorry." She told him but a large crash was heard outside and the moment Zhui Li look at the window, a big truck is coming to their direction and about to hit the back side of the car where Fanxing seats down.

Everything moves so fast and the truck hit the back side of the car and pushed into towards the traffic light post. Zhui Li opened her eyes slowly but everything was blurry at first and when her sight turned clearer, she saw her youngest child at the back seat with his head bleeding so much and unconscious. She wanted to reached for him but she can't because her leg was stuck in front. She keep on calling his name but Fanxing is not responding at all. "Fanxing... Fanxing... Fanxing..." she called continuously until ambulance arrived to help them and bring to the hospital.


When Yibo and Xiao Zhan arrived to the hospital, they saw lots of reporters waiting at the lobby but Mr. Kim and employees of his mother's company came to protect them from the reporters who wanted a scope of what happened to Zhui Li. Mr. Kim explained to Yibo and Xiao Zhan what happened and the current situation. Right that moment, Fanxing is undergoing surgery for the injuries that he received while his mother was resting in a private room. She has broken leg and minor injuries in the head plus the doctor said that she was malnutrition and exhausted which make her body so weak.

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