Chapter 27: Coffee

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"Can you give up on Yibo? Can you... give me back my son?" Zhui Li asked in tears from the other end of the line. "Please don't take him away from me, I needed him right now. I needed him."

"I... I just wanted to talk to him." Xiao Zhan replied. "I have an important matter to tell and..."

"Xiao Zhan, please stop bothering him. Yibo... doesn't love you anymore. No, he doesn't really love you, he's still young, you know that at that age he was in a confuse state and so... everything was just a lie."


"May I talk to Yibo?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"Who is this?"

"Xiao Zhan, Can you please... I just... I just need to talk to him."

"Xiao Zhan?" the female voice asked. "I don't know who you are but...Yibo is busy right now so he can't answer a call nor reply messages."

"Can you tell him to call me back as soon as possible." Xiao Zhan requested and the female voiced confirmed but it was a voice he didn't know about and he wondered why Yibo's phone was with her. "Can I ask, Wh...who is this?"

"Ohhh... I'm Samantha, his girlfriend." She introduced proudly.


Since Yibo decided to give free bread in the Kindergarten, he volunteered to deliver it all the time. For some reason he loves seeing the children and happily eating the bread that they sell but other than that, he has another reason why he loves going to the school.

"Ibo-ge, your bread is suuupppeeerrr yummy." Ji Yang said with a thumbs up. " the one who make it?" she asked curiously.

"Nope, we have a baker in the cafeteria and he's the one making the bread. Do you want to meet her?" Yibo asked Ji Yang and the little girl nod her head. "I can also let you see how she do it, baking bread is nice to watch."

"Ibo-ge, thank you for the bread." Lisa, one of the children in the kindergarten told him. "It's good."

"That's nice to hear. I will bring more tomorrow so all of you should study hard." Yibo told the children cheerfully. All the girl students were surrounded him as they eat their meal. Even the children were fascinated by how good looking and kind Yibo is. The teachers also love seeing the children being affectionate to the young owner that they wonder why Yibo didn't have a family yet. They all think that he will be a good father since he is good in handing children and his future partner will be fortunate.

"Ibo-ge so handsome." Mimi told him.

"Mimi is beautiful." He told her then the little girl chuckled. While Yibo was talking to other girls, he heard Ji Yang talking to Bon from his back.

"Give me your bread Ji Yang."

"I don't want... Ibo-ge give this to me." Ji Yang said.

Bon pouted and he snatched the bread from Ji Yang again but this time the little girl didn't just let go of her bread and she pulled it from Bon. Yibo saw what happened and so he stopped them from fighting. One teacher came closer and talk to Bon again asking why he loves getting Ji Yang's bread. Bon cried saying that Ji Yang didn't want to play with her because she's always attached to Yibo. The teacher cheered him up and make him stop from crying. Even at their age they already know how to feel jealous when the someone they like don't give them any attention.

After staying for a while, Yibo excused himself because he has another appointment to attend to. The teacher thanked him again for giving free bread to them and also interacting with the children despite of his busy schedule. Before he leave, Ji Yang run towards him with a piece of paper in her little hand.

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