Chapter 11: Deceive

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"Zhan-gege, can you help me with my assignment later?" Fanxing asked Xiao Zhan while eating their breakfast. "There's something I can't understand, also I have this project where I need to draw something. You're good at drawing right? Please help me." The little boy begged.

"I'm sorry but I can't help you later." Xiao Zhan replied.

"Eh? Why?" Fanxing asked disappointingly.

"I'm going somewhere." Xiao Zhan replied.

"Where are you going?" Yibo asked him, his sitting in front of Xiao Zhan and been silently listening to their conversation.

"I'm going to meet a friend." Xiao Zhan replied without looking at Yibo. "Fanxing, if you're assignment can wait I can help you tomorrow, it's just... i can't today."

Fanxing pouted "The drawing need to be submitted tomorrow though." He mumbled disappointingly.

"Sorry." Xiao Zhan smiled timidly. Fanxing looked so cute pouting but he can't help feeling bad that he can't do what he requested. But what bothered him the whole time they were eating was Yibo's gazed at him and the thoughts that keep lingering inside his mind, making him unable to sleep the whole night. Yibo's confession sounded so sweet and if he is an easy type then he will instantly succumb to those pleasuring words but he needs to protect his self and his heart. He's been playing all this time, putting a barrier in his heart, in all relationship that he has because of his fear to be hurt again. But the way Yibo do it, he is slowly cracking the barrier and a little more push, it will be fatal and dangerous.

Is he ready to fall in love again? Do he deserve something like that? What if it failed again? There are so many questions that bothered him and making his anxiety rise up. What if Yibo think that he was a disappointment? What if he find out that he was not enough for him? Since he broke up to his ex, he lost confidence about himself especially when it comes to relationship.

After eating breakfast, the two boys went to their school and Xiao Zhan have an afternoon class so he spent his time helping Zhui Li in the morning. She is on the last part of the novel and they need to submit the draft the day after tomorrow.

"Ms. Zhui Li, I'm done with this part." Xiao Zhan showed Zhui Li the researched he asked Xiao Zhan to do. "I think this is the last research right?"

"Yeah, I just need some information about the buildings so that I can put it on my description and after that I am done." Zhui Li replied to him. "Thank you, Xiao Zhan, without your help, everything will be in clutter and I will feel loss. I am glad Mr. Han introduce you to me, I didn't regret having you as my assistant."

"It's nothing, I am happy to help." Xiao Zhan replied. "Especially that you are my favorite author, it is really my pleasure."

Zhui Li smiled back at him then after a second her face turned serious "Before that, can we talk for a moment?" Zhui Li asked. Xiao Zhan nodded his head, he prepared coffee and snack for the both of them because he feel like Zhui Li will talk something seriously.

"Xiao Zhan, are you... dating my son?" she asked out of the blue. Xiao Zhan have a mental panic, he knew it, someone saw them last night because the door was slightly opened and he can't believe that it was Yibo's mother who saw them. Out of all people in the house, why it needs to be her? "Please answer me honestly."

He looked down, feeling awkward with the sudden question but why is he feeling that way. There is nothing between him and Yibo, he just confessed but he rejected him. "W... we don't." Xiao Zhan replied slowly. "I am not dating your son."

"I like you." Zhui Li told him. "You're a good person, really passionate on your studies and also in helping me. I think you're a good partner for someone but... Yibo is still in high school I don't want him to be confused about love at this age." She added and she sighed. "I know I am not being a good mother at all, I am neglecting my responsibility sometimes, I am just fortunate that I have understanding sons who accept my flaws but I really wanted the best for them. I want them to fulfill their dreams, for them to have a better life than me and also for them to find someone who they will love and will love them truly."

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