Chapter 10: Emotions

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Xiao Zhan sighed deeply, Yibo's confession keep on repeating inside his head and he can't concentrate on his class which Xuan Lu easily noticed. She asked what is wrong with him and Xiao Zhan easily told her the story of Yibo's confession that night which he rejected instantly. He was surprised and it never came to his mind that the young fellow has a feeling for him. But recently, Yibo was acting weird. He always greeted him in the morning whenever they saw each other in the house. If he saw him holding heavy stuffs, he will volunteer to hold some of it for him. Whenever they walk together, Yibo was always at the side near the road and sometimes he also bought snacks for him even he didn't ask to.

Now that he recalled those simple gestures from Yibo, he realized that he's probably has feelings for him for long and it was not just a spurt of moment. Those simple things he did for him already indicates that there's a lingering emotion from him which he never saw or he just ignored unknowingly.

But he didn't want to enter a serious relationship and so without hesitation he rejected him in an instant. He thought that it's better to end it on the spot than giving false hope to Yibo. He is a good guy and the son of the person he is working to who treat him well thus he didn't want to hurt his feelings so it is better to tell him the truth than prolonging it but Yibo told him something which now giving him a headache.

"You might not like me now but you will in the future." Yibo replied to him that night.

"This is crazy." Xiao Zhan complained while grabbing his hair inside the classroom. Xuan Lu came and saw Xiao Zhan doing that.

"Are you alright?" Xuan Lu asked. "Do you want me to help you pull your hair as well?" she joked.

"Xuan Lu, tell me how to make the other person unloved me." Xiao Zhan told her.

"Is that a joke?" Xuan Lu asked him. "Is this about Yibo again? You're complaining about him for a week already. Why don't you just give in? He loves you right? As in serious feelings and not just a fling."

"I don't want." Xiao Zhan replied instantly.

"Why don't you give him a chance?" Xuan Lu asked him.

"That's something I can't do."

"Why?" Xuan Lu asked. "I know you're afraid to fall in love again because you experience how painful it was to be mistreated and feel like you're not worth it but your relationship didn't turn out well because he was the wrong guy in the beginning. If you continue to close your heart then you will really not find someone that is really meant for you. What if the guy that you're pushing away is the right one? You're denying someone that will give you a lifetime happiness."

"What if it is not him?" Xiao Zhan asked back. "Xuan Lu, I am contented with what I have now and I don't want to make things complicated."

"Are you really contented?" Xuan Lu asked with determined eyes. "When you first saw Yibo, do you really didn't feel anything?" she asked again. "You're always been cautious about anyone you meet but I notice that you're somewhat different when you are with that high school boy. You know what, I am with you as far as I can remember and I can read every inch of you so tell me honestly... Xiao Zhan."

Xiao Zhan sighed "When I first saw him, I have this feeling that finally I meet him sort of thing." He replied. "Happy?"

"And then?"

"The more I interact with him, the more I deal with him... the attachment is going stronger day by day."

"Then why?" Xuan Lu asked. "If you feel like this? Isn't it because you and him are connected to each other? I mean it's like that one... the fated pair. He's your Alpha and you are his Omega. He doesn't seem like a guy who will confess randomly, besides you told me he was called ones a Mr. Unromantic because he's not dating anyone for his age but he confessed to you, honestly and straight without hesitation at all. In our generation, such kind of romantic confession doesn't exist anymore. Pure and honest... do you have butterflies on your stomach when he said it?"

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