Chapter 8: Cheer

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Xiao Zhan brought the broken phone of Zhui Li to the repair shop. She told him that it's alright and he just throw it but Xiao Zhan think that it's a waste to throw it away since it is a new model and fixing its screen is the best solution than throw it away. The technician told him that he can get it after five hours so Xiao Zhan still have time to walk around the area. The repair shop is near the high school where Yibo attend so he decided to look around. It is a private school and most of the rich children study there so he was kinda curious what it's like to attend an elite school. Luckily, it is the School Foundation activity and the school was open house but what bother him was the fact that he didn't hear Yibo talk about it to his mother. Normally students talk to their parents about events on their school because they are invited to go for support to their children's activity in the school.

Xiao Zhan looked around and the place was so lively. There are lots of student's booth that sell different items. It gives him so much nostalgia, remembering the time when he was also excited when foundation day arrived.

He saw the booth that sold Cotton Candy so he bought one and eat it while touring the area. Then after a few minutes, a group of students come to him and invite him to visit their booth which was a photo booth. Xiao Zhan didn't want to go first but the students use force and he can't say no anymore. They brought him to the Photography Club booth and they let him sit down and wear a hat of a clown.

"Are you sure this is free? Honestly, I don't have money with me." Xiao Zhan told the students but no one was listening to him.

"Yibo, take the shot before you leave." Xiao Zhan heard inside the room.

"Okay, I'll do it." A familiar voice replied. Yibo went out of the room with a camera with him and he was surprised to see Xiao Zhan sitting in their photo booth with a clown hat. "W...what are you doing here?" Yibo asked.

"Ohhh, is this your booth?" Xiao Zhan asked him back instead of answering his question.

"Yeah, I am member of the photography club." Yibo replied.

"Yibo, you know this Mr. Handsome?" Female 1 asked him and Yibo nodded his head. "That's nice." She replied. She get the camera on Yibo's hand and push him in the man-made frame, closer to Xiao Zhan. "Okay, I'll take a picture of both of you."

"Wait... I am not." Yibo said but Xiao Zhan grabbed his hand and pulled him closer.

"It's just a picture. Let's take one." Xiao Zhan replied, he get the horn hat and wore it to Yibo and he made a peace sign while Yibo stood their straight as log.

"Can you be a little closer?" Female 1 asked and this time Xiao Zhan grabbed Yibo's shoulder and pulled him closer to him and she get the shot that she want.

After taking the shot, Yibo also need to leave since he will join the basketball club in their game for that day. Xiao Zhan followed him going to the basketball court. He said that he has nothing to do for the rest of four hours so he will watch him play. He can take a picture or a video so that his mother knows what he was doing at school. Xiao Zhan thought that Yibo is really a responsible and gentle son because he's considerate and understand what his mother is doing. Yibo doesn't complain about it, he understands his mother's job and he knew it needs lots of time and effort and its better for her to rest that spend her time going to school.

Xiao Zhan sits down on the audience area while Yibo went to change in basketball uniform. Yubin was already there waiting for him to arrive. Besides him where high school girls with signage with them. Names of players from their school was written on it and some have LED lights as well. He looked around searching for Yibo's name but he can't find any. "What? Is he not popular in school?" Xiao Zhan mumbled.

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