Chapter 28: Ball

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Zhuo Xuan woke up after hearing a loud bang from the living room. She stepped out of her room and see her mother packing her bag and was in rush. "Mom, where are you going? What's with the rush early morning?"

"I need to go to the hospital." She replied hastily. 

"Why? Who was in the hospital?"

"It's your brother. Xuan Lu called and said that Xiao Zhan collapsed and fell down in the stairs." She answered worriedly. "She said  that he was okay and  fractured his right leg but I am still worried about him so I'm going. Lately, I noticed that there's some different about your brother but he was not saying anything at all."

"Then I'm going with you. I want to see Xiao-ge." Zhou Xuan replied. Her mother agreed so she immediately changed her clothes and packed of her stuffs. They both went to the hospital where Xiao Zhan was confined and they were surprised to see him so weakened. He looks skinny, tired and somehow depressed. Zhou Xuan always look up to his brother because he is always strong and independent. Even he has some problems he always makes sure he solves it on his own but this is the first time he saw Xiao Zhan in that vulnerable state. It's not the big brother she used to see. 

Their mother asked why Xiao Zhan turned that way, he just replied that he was busy with school works that he forgot to ate food and deprived himself of sleep but he was overall fine but Zhou Xuan didn't want to believe that. She knew there's something wrong with her big brother but he didn't want to tell the truth. She knew she's mother have an idea that her brother is lying but she didn't push him to say anything. "Tell me the problem when you can." she just told Xiao Zhan. 

One time while she was eating snacks in the lobby of the hospital, she saw Xuan Lu talking to a phone and she's talking to a friend and the topic was about Xiao Zhan.

"Have you contacted Yibo?" Xuan Lu asked. "What's wrong with that guy? Why is he doing this to Xiao Zhan? Now that he needed him the most ,he is nowhere to be found nor contacted? Xiao Zhan? Well... he said he was fine now but... I am sure he is just making face so that people around him will not be worried. You know him right... specially in front of his family. I understand... if you contacted Yibo then please informed me immediately. Okay... I'll hang up. Yeah... bye."

"Yibo? Who is that?"


Tom followed Yibo in the comfort room with a towel with him. "Boss, here's the towel. Did you get burn? Is your skin alright?" he asked worriedly.

"A little but it's fine." Yibo replied. He get the towel to wipe the part where he washed because it was spilled by a hot coffee.  While he was conversing with Shinri, Zhuo Xuan came with another cup of coffee but when she is about to put it on the table she loss her balance and spilled it all over Yibo's legs making a big ruckus in the admin office.

"Here is some ointment Ms. Shinri give. You can put it as first aid." Tom told him. "Boss, do you think that staff lady has a problem with you? It feels like she did it purposely. There's no way you can trip on that part... unless she do it." 

"Don't blame someone without a proof besides she said it was an accident. Also it's the first time I saw her so how will she have a grudge against me?" Yibo asked him back.

"Well, in this modern world there are girls who hate handsome guy." Tom replied cunningly. "Maybe she has a traumatic experience towards handsome alpha guy like you thus he thought everyone was the same." He even added.

"That was a lame reason." Yibo replied. While they are in the middle of the conversation someone knocked in the private bathroom where Yibo is tending his burns and when he opened the door he saw Zhuo Xuan waiting in front. Yibo felt awkward to see her but he showed his usual gentle expression to make the atmosphere lighter. He didn't know why Zhuo Xuan did that but he can't judge her easily. 

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