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"Okay since you take four buses in total, how about you stay in the guest room? It is easier to get to work and you do not have to worry about wasting money on transportation." Sir Michael said.

I stood there thinking for a while until Sir Michael brought me out of my thoughts.

"You know what it's cool, I will just ask your father about it, since you do also need permission from him." Sir Michael said. "Okay sir" I said.


I would not have returned home if I knew I was going to get hurt by my father.

"Did you ask him to stay there huh!! Aren't you happy here?!! ANSWER ME DAMMIT!!" My father has been yelling at me since I got home. "No dad, I didn't ask Mr. Michael anything, he is the one who asked me and before I could answer he said he would ask you instead of me." I said yelling back at him which was my mistake... SLAP!! "BITCH! YOU JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER, YOU NOT STAYING THERE THAT IS IT! I will not allow you to leave this house under any circumstances even if I have to lock you up in this house." he said and left to go to his room.

I stood there in the lounge, tears following from my eyes, my face was red, and my cheek was burning from my dad's SLAP. Why could not he just be like all other fathers that let their daughters live for a while. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have a mother in the house. I went outside and stood there hugging myself while I was crying. I heard the door open and soon my dad turned me to him. I did not look at him, he sighed and he then started speaking.

"Sweetheart I'm sorry I slapped you I was just scared.... I was scared that you would leave me like your mother did and I got angry thinking you were trying to get away from me, but I was wrong, and I hope you can forgive me dear, I am truly afraid to lose you. I just want you to be happy and well cared for... But if it means I must send you to the mansion then you can go, I only want you to be happy because you are everything I have left." he said.

I stayed quiet, I did not even look at him.

"Rose? Look at me." he said.

I lifted my head slowly and looked at him, he took in my facial expression and his face went pale when he looked at my cheek, the one his hand contacted.

"Rose? I....I am ...I am s... sorry...I do not know what came over me to SLAP you. Please forgive me...please forgive me..."he said, falling to the floor, crying. I kneeled. "Dad it's okay, it doesn't hurt." I lied just saying that; so he could stop crying. "I didn't mean to hit you baby girl I'm sorry." he said pulling me into a hug.

This Is how every hit goes. I am sorry Rose I didn't mean to, I do not want to lose you and I promise it would not happen again but yet it happens again over and over all the time. 

He pulled away from me and looked at my face. He put his hand on my cheek and I flinched, turning my face.

"You said it doesn't hurt," he said looking hurt. "It doesn't daddy." I lied again. "Stop lying to me" he said, getting up and dragging me inside. "Dad, what are you doing?" I asked. "Shush, sit down." he said, and I listened.

I sat on a chair, my dad however was looking for something in the freezer and when I saw what he was looking for it was an ice pack, I jumped off the chair and ran to my room.

"ROSE GET DOWN HERE!!" he called from downstairs,

I locked my door knowing my dad would come up. I heard footsteps coming from the stairs.

"Rose, open your door, I want to put the ice pack on your face." he said I could hear the hurt in his voice. "Dad, I said it doesn't hurt, why bother yourself?" I spoke. "Sweetheart just open the door please, for your father's sake." he said.

I got up from the door and unlocked it.

"Rose, next time listen to me when I say sit." he said. "Dad, normally you say sit and stay. That's the time I don't move but you didn't say so." I said grinning at him.

He laughed at what I said.

"Now put this on your cheek, I'll see you in the morning and help you pack." he said. "Yes dad." I said and hugged him.

When I pulled away, he turned and walked away. When he got to his door, I called him.

"Dad?" I spoke. "Yes, baby girl," he said, turning around. "I love you" I said. "I love you too. Good night, dear" he said.

There are days where he has good days but on a scale from one to ten how good is the good days is a two.

I smiled at him and closed my door, I looked at the ice pack and put it on my dresser, no way am I putting that on my face, I changed into my pyjamas and got into bed.

I laid there for a while before I drifted off to sleep.

HOW MY LIFE CHANGED (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now