the home is where the heart is

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A/N: STEREK HAVING KIDS IS MY KRYPTONITE. Please leave comments! I love reading them.


Derek woke up to a weight on his chest. He opened his eyes to see his one year old son, Michael, sitting on his chest and flaying his tiny fists.

"What's up, Bud?"

Michael gurgled.

Derek used one arm to brace Michael and sat up in the bed.

"Which one of you kids brought Michael in here?" he shouted out the open bedroom door and into the hallway.

After a few seconds, four other kids stumbled into his bedroom, one of them looking very guilty.

Callie smiled, her gaps from where she lost her baby teeth visible, "He wanted to see you."

Michael gurgled again.

Timothy rolled his eyes. He was the oldest of the five kids, seventeen, and REALLY wanted to go back to sleep.

"Can I go back to sleep, Derek?"

Out of all of his and Stiles's kids, Timothy was the only one who referred to them by their first names. They were all foster kids at some point and despite being the oldest, Timothy was the newest addition to the family and was not yet comfortable enough to refer to Derek as Stiles as anything but.

Derek shook his head and gestured for the kids to climb into the bed.

They all complied, Timothy was probably the least willing to do so.

"Where's Daddy?" Maya asked while attempting to yank her brother Lexi on the bed.

When Lexi couldn't get himself on the bed, Derek reached over and pulled him up and to his chest along with Michael.

"Daddy will be home later. But for today, you kids are with me."

Eventually all the kids were situated in the bed. Timothy was to Derek's left, buried under the covers while trying to pretend that he did not want to be there. Callie was squished in between them. Lexi shared Derek's lap with Michael while Maya forced Timothy to let her sit directly next to him.

"Papa? Can we just watch movies all day?"

Derek raised an eyebrow, "Have all of you finished your homework?"

Maya rolled her eyes, "It's summer break. We don't have homework." 

Derek laughed and handed Timothy the remote, "Then I guess we can watch movies all day. I'll go make some breakfast. You guys pick something to watch." 

Derek crawled down to the end of the bed so that he wouldn't squash any of the kids and then exited the bedroom as Lexi declared that they had to watch Frozen for the tenth time. Maya's shriek signaled disagreement. He walked down the stairs and set up the toaster and pancake iron. 

He loved days like these. They reminded him why him and Stiles thought it would be a good idea to foster and adopt five kids. 

Derek remembered cuddling with Stiles one summer night eight years before and as Stiles lay on his chest, he asked a question that both of their parents had been pelting at them for years.

"Do you want kids?"

Stiles stopped drawing designs on Derek's chest with his fingers.

"Like, real kids?"

Derek rolled his eyes, "No, fake ones. Yes, real kids."

Stiles let out a whoosh of air, "I mean, yeah. One day."

"So not now?"

Stiles looked up, his eyes darting around frantically as he tried to search for some kind of hint to how Derek was feeling. 

"I just...yes. I want kids now. We've been married for three years. I just never knew how you felt about it. Plus I don't even know how to do it. Do gay couples just type 'children to adopt' in Google?" 

Derek laughed and tugged Stiles impossibly closer to his chest. His heart swelled.

"I want kids. If it was possible, I would want ten. I was thinking of adopting through the foster system. I mean, the system is so bad. Kids aren't getting into homes they deserve."

Stiles very quickly agreed, "So...foster kids?"

Derek nodded, "Foster kids."

Nearly a year later, Maya was brought into their lives by a social worker. When they first got her, she was a toddler. 

When Derek first held her, he started bawling and had held her as tightly as he could, in fear that he would drop her. Stiles had to leave the room claiming that he too will start crying if he was anywhere near his sobbing husband. 

Stiles lost it when Maya called him 'Papa' a month later.

Now, Derek and Stiles had adopted four of their foster kids and were in the process of adopting their last one. Derek loved their family. 

Derek finished making breakfast and called Timothy down the stairs to help him carry the trays up. Once they were settled back in bed (and Lexi and Maya had finally agreed on watching the same movie) Derek kissed each of his kids' heads. They all responded with groans of disgust except for Michael, who just gurgled. 

"I love you guys."

The kids grumbled in response, but snuggled further into the bed. 

When Stiles came home later that evening, his family was passed out in the bed. Derek lay in the middle of the group of kids, his mouth open and an arm gently laying across  Michael who was passed out on his chest. 

Stiles quietly changed into his PJs and walked to his side of the bed. To make space, he gently pushed Timothy towards the middle. 

Timothy groaned, "Just tell Papa to move over. Don't make me do it."

Stiles smiled and brushed Timothy's hair away from his forehead and pressed a gentle kiss before climbing into the bed next to him. 

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now