Chapter 19

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"So I told her - shut up, Malfoy, I really did - I told her, 'you can go to hell. And you can take your bon-bons with you'. And when I tell you that she looked like she had - hey, you good Zabini?"

I don't hear him. Or maybe I do, and I pretend that I don't.

"Zabini." Crabbe repeats, prods me childishly with his finger. The simple touch lights my insides on fire. "Are you good, man."

"Fine." The word comes out snappier than I'd meant it to, but I don't apologize. Thankfully, they take the hint and leave me alone.

I didn't sleep last night - you might've already guessed this. Partly due to fury (fuck Marcus Flint), and partly due to worry.

I never meant for Zoe to find out about the bet. I hadn't even taken it seriously, when Flint and I made it. I thought we'd had an understanding that day. A sort of secret code, a telltale wink that said, sure, we're saying this, but it's all a big, fun joke, and we'll forget it happened in five minutes. Yes, I know I said I'd give him galleons, but was I actually planning on it? No, absolutely not. I don't even have ten galleons - not that I'd give to Flint, anyways. We didn't even know the girl. If we'd spoken to her, it had barely been a word. Leave it to Flint to take dumb shit like that so literally. Now I have a strong urge to beat the guy to death.

As far as Zoe goes, I have no idea. When Flint spilled the word about the bet, she didn't really do much. Just stood there, and didn't say anything. Her eyes were blank, devoid of any emotion, as though she couldn't care less. She did mutter one thing - "okay" - but she didn't spit the word out in rage or coil up like a snake. She didn't even say it with a pointed period at the end to signal some kind of remote anger - the word just trailed off, like a lost thought. Then she went upstairs. I heard the door close softly behind her as she entered her dorm.

I know Zoe, though. Or at least I know her better than she thinks I do. I've seen her cry, laugh, yell, even scream. I know the look she gets when she's pissed off - those grounded eyes narrow, and her head tilts to the side by just a few degrees. If you've been a real asshole, she'll even add in a sour little smile. But this time, I've seen nothing from her. No displays of emotion whatsoever. I don't know if she's trying to hide how she feels from me, but if she is, she's doing a damn good job of it. I have zero idea what she's thinking, for someone who I feel I can normally read like a book. It's frustrating - I want to yell, or maybe smash something against the wall.

I wish she would've screamed. I wish she would've slapped me. I wish she would've slammed the door so loud that it would've waken up the entire Slytherin house. That gentle click of the door shutting behind her is making me feel as though she has no problem dismissing me from her life forever.


I sit in the library that night and wait.

Technically, Zoe and I had agreed on tonight for our next tutoring session, but at this point, I don't know if she'll show up.

I stare at the clock, then at the door. Clock, then the door. It's 9:22, and we were supposed to meet at 9:15. If she doesn't show, I won't be shocked, but I'm choosing to hold out hope. I want to talk and to explain myself. I know I'm being a dick, and if she doesn't want anything to do with me after this, I get it, but I at least need to explain.

At 9:33, when the minute hand is passing over the bottom of the clock, Zoe walks in. I've never been so eager to teach someone basic potions in my life.

But as she gets closer and closer, I can see the quickness within her stride, and the fury within her eyes, and it becomes very, very clear to me that Zoe is beyond pissed. Finally, she stops in front of me, looking at me with pure disgust.

Then, she slaps me so hard that I lose my balance.

"Have a shitty night, asshole."

And just like that, she's gone.


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