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"moi, it's not good."

the four words i didn't want to hear.

"the woman that looked at your foot said you might've broken a bone." she said, making me cry even more.

"but we don't know for certain, so we're going to the doctors when we get home." she told me and i nodded.

"i love you and i'm so proud of you for what you've done here this weekend." she said and gave me a hug.

"moira, there's press out here for you." spencer said, poking his head in the locker room.

i sniffled and nodded.

"okay, we'll be out in a second." i tell him and he gives me a mischievous grin.

i finish getting ready to face the press and my mom wraps my foot in some athletic tape and puts my sock back on, then gently slides my foot in my shoe.

she helps me up and helps me walk out towards where daniel and spencer waited, talking to each other.

"hey spence, can you help moira? i can only hold her for so long." my mom asked the blonde haired boy, who nodded.

"of course mrs. williams." he grinned, putting my arm around his neck and putting his arm around my waist.

we walked towards where the press was standing and spencer sort of pushed through them, while making sure i didn't lose balance.

"moira! what happened today?"

"who's your boy friend?"

"how does it feel to be the youngest world champion?"

i got microphones shoved in my face and camera flashes blinding me.

we made it through, daniel and my mom answering questions while spencer helped me get into the car.

the drive back to the hotel was almost silent, my mom and daniel speaking in quiet whispers. the air conditioning was blasting, adding to my runny nose.

when we got back to the hotel, spencer picked me up bridal style, making me laugh, and carried me up to my room i shared with him.

my mom trusted both of us to share a room, mostly because we've been best friends since we were little.

"spence." i laughed as he dropped me on my bed.

i layed down and he layed down next to me, letting me put his head on his shoulder.

"you should get some sleep moi, we leave early tomorrow morning." he told me, and i could see his cheeks pulled up in a smile.

"i will once you get off my bed." i giggle, pushing him off.

i laugh as i hear a thud, then a groan.

i leaned over, still giggling a little.

"spence?" i asked, and he pulled me with him.

"darling, you can't do that and expect you won't come down with me." spencer laughed, making me blush because i was on top of him.

"come on spence, help me up." i said and rolled off of him.

he pulled me up and helped me lay down on the bed, then turned off the lights and got into his own bed.

"'night spence. i love you." i said, already drifting off.

"love you too moi."


i woke up to the pain of my foot being twisted and cried out.

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