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years later...

"hey moi!" adelina called to her longtime friend as they met up to see their boyfriends play each other.

"addie! i've missed you! how's layla doing?" moira said, hugging and asking about their gorgeous daughter.

"i missed you too! layla's with the babysitter for tonight and possibly tomorrow." adelina told her as they walked to their seats. 

"how's california treating you?" moira asked making adelina laugh.

"it's actually really good, mom and dad love visiting us. how's florida?" 

"florida's nice, dad visit's a lot, mom barely. she's always busy with some fashion week. i think dad's more in love with spencer than my mom is." moira answers as the lights dim.

"honestly, that's how it is with my dad and trevor. mom's in love with layla." adelina laughed.

"i mean, i can see why." the girl agreed.

the two giggled and started watching the game, spencer in net again the ducks.

during first intermission, the girls headed to get a beer and some food.

"so moira, your birthday's tomorrow, is spencer doing anything?" adelina asked and moira shrugged.

"i don't know, i asked to keep things lowkey." she told her best friend.

"well that's fun." adelina agreed, smiling, knowing something she didn't.

the two got their meals and headed back to their seats, chatting mindlessly.

"spencer's playing really well moi." 

"so is trevor. god it must be hard to play against your best friend." moira stated, shaking her head as spencer stopped another shot.

before long second intermission came and went, leaving them to the third period.

"i don't believe how well they're playing." moira laughed, looking how the score was one to one.

it came down to the final minutes and one of the panthers scored, making the arena go up in cheers.

adelina and moira looked at each other and giggled, knowing their boys wouldn't be mad about that.

in a few seconds the buzzer rang and people started heading out of the arena. moira and adelina waited for most of the crowd to clear out before they also headed out to the parking lot.

"i'll see you next time we play each other." adelina told her best friend, giving her a hug.

"alright. i love you addie! give my goddaughter a bunch of kisses for me!" moira said, getting a little teary eyed.

"i love you too!" adelina said as she walked away, blowing moira a kiss.

moira hopped into her car and waited for a text from spencer to pull around and pick him up.

When spencer texted her, she pulled up to the front to see her love waiting.

"moi! how'd i play? how did addie enjoy the game?" spencer asked the dark haired girl as he entered the car.

she leaned across the consol and spencer kissed her.

"you played amazing as usual and addie loved the game. i just hope trevor isn't too mad about losing." moira answered as they drove off to their apartment.

"you okay with chinese food tonight?" spencer asked and moira nodded absentmindedly as she pulled into the parking deck.

"yeah sure."

the two head up to their apartment and spencer ordered chinese food and moira started getting ready to relax.

"babe, i'm going to hope into the shower." spencer called as moira finally settled on the couch with a book.

"alright love, i'll get the chinese." moira said with a small sigh as she stood back up and grabbed the car keys.

"thanks baby!" spencer said, poking his head out one last time and she laughed, blowing him a kiss.

reluctantly, she headed out and went to their favorite dinner place, grabbing the order and paying.

and finally, she was back at their apartment, ready to finally just relax and eat and be with her boyfriend.

when she opened the door, the lights were dimmed and candles were lit around the place.

she blushed as she saw spencer in the kitchen with two glasses of red wine, setting them on the table before walking over and pulling her into a kiss.

they made their way to the kitchen table and started digging into their food.

just as moira was about to take a forkful of veggie fried rice, there was a knock on the door.

she sighed, putting down her food and getting ready to stand up.

"i got it moi." spencer said with a soft smile, standing up and getting the door.

moira could hear hushed whispers before trevor and addie walked in.

"hey guys!" moira smiled, happy to see the pair, but also sad that spencer and her's night was being intruded.

"hey moi, we were just stopping by before heading back to the hotel. we have an early flight tomorrow." addie grinned, hugging her best friend.

"feel free to stay, we have more than enough for all of us." moira invited as trevor kissed her cheek and sat at the table.

"thanks moi." trevor said, digging into some food.

addie and spencer looked at each other before shaking their heads and also sitting down.

they sat in quiet for a couple of minutes, only eating before spencer broke the silence.

"moi, i know it's early but i have a present for you." he told the dark haired beauty.

moira gave him a confused look and then he walked around the table, smiling at the girl.

moira's heart was beating so fast and she blushed as he got down on one knee.

"moira victoria williams, i love you with all my heart, you're my best friend. would you make me the luckiest man and marry me? please?" he asked, watching her smile grow and tears form in her eyes.

"yes! yes! of course!" she finally said, hugging him tightly.

addie and trevor smiled at the couple before trevor wrapped his arm around the blonde.

and that was life. stars, butterflies, red wine, good times. 

best friends and ice.


ice // s. knightDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora