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i let in one shot. one single shot.

it wasn't a hard game, but i let in one shot.

out of twenty five shots, i let in one.

kind of sucky if you ask me.

"spencer knight, if you're beating yourself up against one goal, bad things will happen." moira said, coming in and sitting next to me.

i just laughed.

this girl knew me way too well.

"moira darling, it scares me how well you know me." i tell her and she smiles.

"its because you, my love, haven't changed in years. but i love you for that." she grins, pecking me on the lips.

"i love you." i grin, pulling her in and kissing her.

"hey hey, no. i have to deal with this enough back at the hotel, not in the locker room too." alex complained, pointing at us.

moira laughed and i shook my head.

"we love you moira, but we love you when you aren't being super couplely with our goalie." trevor added and i rolled my eyes, shaking my head.

"technically we aren't a couple. this dork hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend." she tell them and they gasp.

"spencer! you idiot!" coach says, walking by, shooting moi a wink.

i saw moira grin and i pinched her side jokingly.

"hey!" she protests and i laughed.

"fine, moira-" i try to say and the boys around us cut me off.

"no no, spencer, that's not how you ask a girl to be your girlfriend you idiot." adelina said, coming up and putting a hand on my shoulder.

moira laughed and kissed my cheek.

"okay spence, i'll see you back at the hotel." she said, standing up.

her and adelina leave, and as soon as the door shuts, my boys turn to me.

"okay, you're a hopeless romantic right?" trevor asked me and i shrugged.

"i guess." i told them and alex rolls his eyes.

"you waited for a girl for over three years. and i haven't seen you this soft ever." trevor said.

"okay fine, maybe i am a hopeless romantic." i tell them and they go 'duhh'.

"and she's definitely a romantic, she lives in paris for god's sake. anyway, so i have a plan to ask her out." trevor tells me, taking off his skates.

"okay and?" i ask, waiting for him to tell me.

"so basically, when we win, you get the microphone and ask her to be your girlfriend." trevor tells me.

just as i was about to respond, coach stood in front of me.

"knight, before you do anything, you have to ask her dad. i wouldn't want my girls to go out with any boy that doesn't have my approval." coach told me and i nodded.

"alright coach, i'll call her dad. hopefully he has the same number." i say, coach nodding then leaving.

"coach with that fatherly advice." alex laughs and grabs his stuff, walking out.

i nod and grab my stuff, ready to go back on the bus.

"spence!" hannah's voice called and i saw my little sister run towards me.

"hey hannah, what's up!" i ask, giving her a hug.

"not much, i heard from alex you had a visitor." she said, pulling away.

"oo was it moira?" claire asked, popping in behind hannah.

i sighed, a blush and grin coming to my ears, "maybe."

"i missed moira, it's so funny she shows up here." claire grins, hugging me.

"yeah, super funny." hannah says, plainly.

"hannah, her friend dragged her here. she didn't even know i was playing." i tell my sister.

"right, because she didn't even care to check how you were doing." hannah said, getting mad and i rolled my eyes.

"it wasn't because she didn't care, it made her sad, just like how even hearing her name made me feel like i was going to cry." i told her and she scoffed.

"right." and with that, we walked out. claire held my hand as we walked and hannah walked in front of us, still mad.

"hey honey!" my mom said, giving me a hug.

"hey mom." i replied and pulled away.

"that was a good game! i'm so proud of you!" she said, shooing my sisters away.

"thanks, it felt good to win." i tell her and she smiles.

"and i saw moira and her friend on the jumbotron." she laughs and my eyes go wide.

"uh, yeah. she's here. and um, we've been hanging out." i tell her and she laughs some more.

"oh honey, i know she's here and i'm glad you guys are hanging out again. you know, you guys would've been a really cute couple." she said, sending me a knowing look.

"oh, um, well i might be planning on asking her to be my girlfriend." i tell her, wincing, expecting an earful but she just smiles.

"good, i'm happy for you." she says and i grin.

"really?" i ask and she nods.

"of course spencer! you've liked her since you were like eight! i'm going to be happy for you no matter what." my mom said, grinning like a mad woman.

"thanks mom." i say, giving her a hug.

"come on spencer, you're going to miss your bus." she says, pulling me along 

i said bye to my family, and got on the bus with my teammates.

"so knight, when were you going to introduce us to your girlfriend?" shane pinto asked me, leaning across the seats to put his arms on my chair.

"she's not his girlfriend." cole laughed, making me narrow my eyes.

"so you wouldn't mind if i took a shot at her? man, she's so hot, i wouldn't mind tapping that." shane joked and i shot him a death look.

"shane, if you so much as touch her i will rip your fucking neck off." i tell him and he laughs.

"i'm kidding spencer, i see how much she means to you." shane said and i roll my eyes, pushing his arms away.

"shane i swear to god." i trail off, rolling my eyes and flipping him off.

"hey knight, want to invite moira to the pool with us later? she can bring adelina." trevor asked and i shrugged.

"if they want to. shouldn't you be asking adelina?" i ask trevor, grin on my face and he blushes bright red, causing the boys to focus their attention on him now and his relationship life.

i sighed, knowing that the rest of the day would be chaos.

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