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spencers game was tonight and my mom was supposed to drop me off ten minutes before the game.

it was thirty minutes before and my mom just left, giving me a twenty to waste.

i went out into the rink, wearing my boot and a jersey spencer has given me a couple months ago, watching the figure skaters.

it was like i was looking at memories of all the stages in my life.

there was a little girl learning how to skate, reminding me of my toddler years. i remembered that first step i took out onto the ice, then i remember falling right after.

it was funny because i hated figure skating at first, but learned to love it as my skills progressed.

i saw a girl, maybe seven or eight, working on her jumps. that took me back to when i first met spencer.

it was a local hockey game for the younger kids, right after a figure skating competition i was entered in. i saw spencer by the boards as i skated, him watching in fascination.

we later met in real life and became best friends almost instantly. that never changed as we grew up, it honestly strengthened our friendship.

then i saw a teenage girl, a little older than me, doing her doubles.

i smiled at how clean and how high they got. she would be doing triples soon, if not already.

"moira williams. i never thought i would see you here, not on the ice." my old coach said, skating up to the door i was at.

"hi coach riley." i say with a smile, reaching in for a hug.

"i am so proud of you, even with a foot injury, you won the world title." she grinned, hugging me back.

"thanks coach riley. how's the star skaters around here?" i asked, nudging her to the teenagers working on their doubles.

"they're doing great, you wanna come out here and give them a few tips?" she asked with a grin.

"um, would they like that?" i asked and she shrugged.

"i mean, you're undefeated." she grinned, pulling me out onto the ice, even though i was in a boot and vans.

"guys, bring it in!" she called and all the skaters came over.

"look ice times ending, so everyone needs to get off." she told them and the youngest skaters raced over, giggling, to get their stuff and skate off.

there was one, left out from the girls, skating by herself.

i frowned and walked over, kneeling down by her stuff.

"hey, i saw you skating, you were really good. eye on the olympics one day?" i asked and she looked up, eyes widening.

"y-yes." she said nervously.

"you can do it, you just have to trust your self and your coaches." i tell her and she grins.

"if you ever need any help with anything, just ask coach riley and she'll send you my way." i say, making her give me a toothy smile.

"thank you." she whispers and i give her a hug.

"now go, the big scary hockey players are coming here soon." i tell her and she giggles, grabbing her stuff and rushing off the ice.

"moira!" riley calls, grabbing my attention, which was floating through space.

i wobbled over to where she was standing with a pairs team.

"hey, what's up?" i ask, grinning at the pair and riley.

"guys, can you show moira your double axels?" riley asks and the team nods, skating around and prepping for a double axel.

ice // s. knightWhere stories live. Discover now