twenty three

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my grandmere got better within a couple days and was able to go home.

spencer and i were talking everyday, sometimes almost twice a day.

my dad was still here, he wasn't leaving until i go back to school, making me very happy.

right now, i was in the middle of a lesson and it was going really well.

"moira!" adelina sings, walking into the rink.

i laugh and look over, waving, before getting back to my lesson.

"moira, i have a surprise! well more like two surprises!" adelina says, coming over to the boards.

i sigh and skate over, my student rylie following.

"hey rylie, can i see a double lutz double loop?" i ask in english and when she gave me i questioning look, i sighed before repeating the same thing in french.

"what's up adelina?" i asked, watching rylie fall on her lutz.

i motioned for her to do it again and she nodded, going for it again.

"so, i found an apartment you might like, we can check it out after you're done today and before i go to work." she told me and i grinned, agreeing with her.

"and the second one?" i asked and she giggled.

"i think it's better to show you." she said and pointed to the door across from us.

i looked over and saw spencer standing there with a bouquet of roses.

"spencer!" i cried and skated over to him, giving him a giant hug.

"hey moi." he said, pulling away and giving me a kiss.

i blushed and looked back over at rylie who was standing there with a smirk on her face.

"allez, faites-le encore trois fois." i say, waving her to do it three more times.

i looked to spencer who was grinning, "you look absolutely gorgeous."

i blushed over more and looked at the clock.

i had five more minutes in this lesson and then a thirty minute break before my next lesson.

"hey, let me finish this lesson and i'll see you in a couple. i'll meet you by the concessions." i say and he nods, giving me another kiss before leaving.

i look back around to see some students and coaches looking at me funny.

"quoi?" i ask and the coaches smile, shaking their head while turning around.

i finish my lesson with rylie, her giving me a stupid smile the entire time.

grinning, i take off my skates and head out to the lobby, meeting up with spencer. he was sitting with trevor and adelina.

"hey spence. hey trevor, adelina." i greet, walking out with my bag.

"hey moi." spencer said, kissing my cheek.

"so, you guys wanna go out to this little cafe next door?" i ask and spencer nods, while adelina and trevor look at each other.

"you guys can go, we're going to go check out the sites." adelina says, standing up with trevor, who wraps his arm around her waist.

"alright, after my lesson we'll meet up with you? is that cool spence?" i ask and he nods, smiling brightly at me.

"of course love." he says, also standing up and wrapping his hand in mine.

we wave bye to trevor and adelina and head off to the cute little coffee shop.

"you know how nice it is to call you my girlfriend?" spencer said and i grin, biting my lip and looking at our hands.

"i do know, boyfriend." i laugh, walking into the cute little cafe.

"so how's school and skating been going for you?" he asked as we waited to order.

"it's been good, i passed all my exams and well you saw skating." i respond, ordering a latte.

"that's amazing. um, can you order a black coffee for me?" he asks a little embarrassed. 

i giggle and nod, ordering one black coffee also.

i go to pay but spencer already has his wallet out and handing the guy some euros.

"spence, you didn't have to." i say as we wait for the coffees.

"i know, but i wanted to." he grins, blushing softly and rubbing his thumb in small circles on my hand.

we sit and drink our coffees before i realize i have to be back on the ice in fifteen minutes.

when we get back to the rink, i turn to spencer.

"hey, you don't have to stay here, you can go hang out with adelina and trevor." i tell him while getting my skates on.

"i want to stay here and watch you coach. we can go hang out with them later. besides, i don't know my way around here." he tells me, laughing at the end.

"alright, well i have a thirty minute lesson to coach, so i'll see you after." i say and kiss him softly before going out onto the ice.

the lesson flew by and before i knew it, i was off the ice and untying my skates.

"you impress me everytime i see you on the ice." spencer said, sitting next to me.

i laugh softly, "thanks spence." 

just as he was about to say something, adelina and trevor walked in, both grinning brightly.

"moira! time to go look at the apartment!" adelina called.

i sigh and nod, standing up and grabbing my bag.

we walk out and start walking towards a cute little section of the city.

"imagine living in paris all year." trevor said to spencer and he nodded, looking in awe at the gorgeous city.

we stop at a townhome and there was a realtor outside.

"bonjour." adelina says, shaking the woman's hand.

"bonjour, bonjour bonjour." she said, nodding at the four of us, then guiding us into the home.

it was gorgeous and adelina and i were thinking about buying.

when we left to go back to my place, spencer started talking.

"that place was nice." he commented and we all nodded.

"and it's close to our jobs." adelina agreed.

"i think we should put an offer on it." i said, making adelina grin.

"i concur." trevor added and we laughed, walking into my house.

sitting on the couch, i leaned my head on spencer's chest and we watched a movie.

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