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ostrava was beautiful at night.

spencer and i went to a small restaurant and had dinner there, drinking a little too much red wine.

we walked around, looking at the christmas lights and reminiscing.

"remember that one christmas, when you got your new skates?" spencer asked, laughing.

"yeah! i remember dragging you out onto the pond, even though you wanted to go hang out with your other friends." i giggle lightly, the red wine getting to me.

"that was actually a lie, i wanted to hang out with only you. there was no where else i would've rather been then, and no where else i would rather be now." he said, stopping and looking down at me.

my cheeks glowed red and i smiled, looking away.

"come on, it's getting late. adelina will be wondering where we are." i murmur, looking back towards to hotel, which wasn't too far away.

he sighed and i looked at him, he just smiled.

"you're right." and we walked, his arm around me, back to the hotel.

"spence, i'm so glad we found each other again." i tell him once we're in the elevator.

"yeah, you make the best christmas present moi." he laughed, leaning against the elevator wall.

"spence, my love, people aren't christmas presents." i giggle, looking at him.

"you're the best christmas present i've ever gotten darling." he said, wrapping me in a hug as the elevator doors opened to our floor.

i laugh as he walks me to the door, remembering years ago, him walking me up to my door after one of his games.

"moira, you are one of the most strong, wonderful, beautiful, and amazing person i have ever met and i'm so glad to call you my best friend." spencer grinned when we came up to my door.

"aww spencer." i cooed, putting my hand up to his face, feeling the little stubble he had, smiling.

"moi, will you wear one of my jersey's tomorrow at my game?" he asked, taking my hand in his.

"of course spence." i smiled, lacing our fingers together.

"i love you moi." he said, giving me a hug.

"i love you more spence." i repeat, inhaling his scent.

when he let go, my door opened and i saw trevor with a mischievous grin on his face, adelina behind him with the same grin.

"aw you guys are so cute. but you know what you need?" trevor asked and i gave him a questioning look.

"mistletoe!" adelina exclaimed, then trevor held the small plant above our heads for a second then ran back in, shutting the door.

"you can't break the rules of mistletoe." spencer said, shrugging and putting his hands on my waist.

I rolled my eyes, smiling, and put my arms around his neck. he pulled me closer and i could feel his breath close to mine.

then, he kissed me.

we stayed like that for a few seconds, then broke away. i was smiling and he was grinning as well.

taking his hands off my waist, he rubbed his neck.

"you can't break the rules of mistletoe." he said again with a smile of his face.

"i know spence." i say and put my hand up, him lacing his fingers in mine.

he pulled me into a hug, "thanks for making this the best christmas in almost three years love."

"i love you spencer knight."

and we let go, me going into my hotel room and him walking down the hall to his.

when i pulled open the door, trevor and adelina were standing there, smiling wide.

"thank you both." i say, smiling softly at them.

trevor laughed, kissing adelina on the cheek, then left.

"how was it?" adelina asked as we started getting ready for bed.

"spencer hasn't changed at all." i laugh, smiling.

"what did you guys do?" adelina questioned, a grin growing on her face.

"we walked around, catching up, then we had dinner at this one place, it was soo good. then we looked at the christmas lights. then we came back here, and you know what happened here." i tell her, getting ready for bed.

"and you still love him?" she called from the bathroom, making me laugh.

"more than ever. when i'm with him, nothing seems wrong with the world, and when i'm not with him, i want to be with him. there's like a little ball of light that light's up every time he smiles at me." i explained, laying back on the bed.

"wow, you are in love." adelina grins, coming out of the bathroom and sitting on her bed.

"i guess i am." i laugh and then turn over, falling asleep with a smile on my face for the first time in years.



"and then we kissed." i said, finishing up a recep of the night to my friends in the locker room.

"aww spencer's in love." our second goalie, isaiah, said grinning from ear to ear.

"i don't think he ever fell out of love with her." alex called, almost geared all the way up.

"and now she's wearing his jersey today." trevor added, the only part i left out.

"ooo!" a bunch of the guys called, making me blush bright red.

"guys! let's go!" coach called and i slid on my mask.

we headed to the tunnel, ready to face our rivals, the canadians.

i was starting tonight, kind of nerve racking, but i was excited. i was excited to show i could represent the usa today, and excited to show moira how much i had improved.

i know, i know, i shouldn't be excited just to play for a girl. but, i love her and just want to show i'm good enough for her.

i smiled, thinking about this morning. i had gone to her room to drop off my extra jersey, but her friend adelina answered the door, letting me in. moira was still asleep so i put my jersey on the desk and went over to her, making her stir in her sleep.

i had brushed some hair back, causing her eyelids to flutter open. then she saw me and smiled, going back to sleep.

i kissed her hair and went back out, waving a quiet goodbye to adelina.

now, i was at the arena, looking at all the little kids lined up and i smiled.

we got the all clear to head out onto the ice and we skated out, warming up.

i looked into the crowd as i was stretching and found those warm, brown eyes that lit up my world.

i smiled, and went back to warming up.

soon, it was time for the puck drop and i slid my mask back down, putting my stick on the ice, and focus on the puck.

then, it drops.

ice // s. knightWhere stories live. Discover now