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"i can't believe tomorrow's new years eve." i say, laying on spencers bed while he plays video games with trevor and alex.

"i know, it's crazy this year has gone by so fast." trevor agrees, shooting on spencer's team.

i was currently trying to study for my exams, but was getting distracted very easily.

"the team's going out tomorrow night and bringing dates, so do you want to come?" spencer asked, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

i grin and nod.

i go back to my textbook and notes, trying to remember different parts of art history.

"i honestly don't even know why i play this game!" alex cried, standing up and putting his controller down.

i laughed and picked it up, tired of studying.

we started playing again, me on trevors team. we were playing as the flyers and spencer was playing as the panthers.

"whoa moira, how do you remember all of this?" alex asked, looking at my notes.

i laughed, "it helps to study with food."

he gasped and stood up, "i'm going to go get food! we're going to help moira study!"

he left and spencer laughed.

"he's a ball of energy." trevor said, scoring on spencer.

i laughed, also scoring on spencer.

"have you ever played nhl before moira?" trevor asked and i shook my head.

"no, but i remember watching spencer play while i was studying for exams back in middle and high school." i tell him and spencer laughs.

"i remember that!" he exclaimed, scoring.

we play for a bit more before alex comes back in, with a giant bag of gummy bears.

"study time! pause that!" alex called, jumping on spencers bed.

spencer sighed, but paused the game and helped me up.

we walked to his bed and sat down next to alex, trevor sitting on alex's bed.

"okay so, i can't read any of this because it's all in french." alex said, making the boys and i groan.

"then what was the point of buying gummy bears?" trevor asked and alex shrugged, opening the bag.

"gummy bears make everything better."

spencer pushed him off the bed.


it was finally new years eve day and adelina woke me jump with a giant smile on her face.

"we're going shopping for some clothes for tonight." she told me and pulled me out of bed.

i groaned as she pushed me into the bathroom.

"shower." she demanded, shutting the door when she walked out.

i turned on the shower and hopped in when the water started to steam up the mirror.

when i got out, adelina has laid out a black top and blue jeans by the sink.

i dried off and put it on, my hair still in a towel.

adelina came in and started doing her makeup and hair, while i did some skincare stuff and then blow dried my hair.

when she finished, i put on some concealer and mascara, then adding some highlight and jewelry.

adelina handed me my coat and purse while i slid on my favorite stilettos.

i smiled at her as we walked out, heading out to the city around us.

we laughed, looking at mannequins in the window, pointing out cute skirts or shirts.

we walked around the city, occasionally going into a store.

adelina bought some things but i just couldn't find anything.

finally, we walked into a shop and i saw the best outfit.

it was a white v-necked blouse and a gold, sequinned mini skirt.

"that would look so good on you!" adelina squealed, dragging me to the dressing room, outfit in hand.

i tried it on and twirled in the mirror.

it was gorgeous.

i stepped out and adelina grinned.

"damn moira, you look hot." she told me and i laughed.

"so it's good for tonight?" i asked and she nodded.

"uh duh!" 

i laughed and walked back in, changing into my outfit from earlier.

we bought the outfit and started to make our way back to the hotel, stopping for some lunch at a cafe.

finally, we got back to the hotel, running into cole, alex, and dustin.

"hey guys." cole said, grinning at us.

i smiled while adelina waved.

"are you guys coming to our party tonight?" dustin asked.

"yeah, which we need to go get ready for. so see you guys tonight." adelina tells them and pulls me to the elevator and to our room.

adelina drops her bags and hurries to the bathroom to change as i change by my bed.

i walk in to the bathroom after adelina's done changing and grab my makeup and hair stuff.

i saw down by the full sized mirror and start my makeup.

i take off my previous makeup and then put some primer on.

i apply some concealer and powder, then start my eye makeup.

i do some dark brown eyeshadow on the outer area, then gold glitter on my lid, and finally some highlighter on my inner corner.

i put on some liquid eyeliner and mascara, then call it a day. i wasn't the biggest fan of makeup.

for my hair, i straightened it and pulled some of it back into a little ponytail.

i put on my beige, pointed toe stilettos and grabbed a black purse.

"adelina!" i called, poking my head into the bathroom and seeing she was only halfway ready.

her hair was done but she was still working on her makeup.

she gave me a panicked look and blended her highlighter on, making her face shiney.

i laughed and rolled my eyes, pulling out my phone and texting my mom happy new years.

"do i look okay?" adelina asked and i looked at her, scoffing.

"are you kidding me? you're absolutely gorgeous." i tell her and she squeals, giving me a big hug.

"thank you! you look stunning as normal!" she laughs, linking our arms and walking out, down to the lobby where we were supposed to meet the boys.

"do you think trevor likes me?" adelina asked and i give her a 'duhh' look.

"uh, have you seen the way he looks at you?" i ask and she shrugged.

"sure but like, does he actually like me or the idea of me?" she questioned further and i shook my head.

"honey, he's head over heels for you." i tell her, making her blush bright red.

the elevator dings and we walk out, seeing the boys talking.

spencer sees us first and his jaw drops to the ground.


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