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Your name is Stephanie. You are a 17 year old girl from Wolverhampton, England. Your whole life, you have been dreaming about one thing, The big stage. 

And now, you are there. Your first world tour, millions of fans all across the world, interviews, TV-shows, rehearsals, studio time and so on. It’s nothing like you expected but you love it, it’s your life.


You snapped out of your dream. You were thinking about a trip to Hawaii. Just you and your best friend Carrie. You hadn’t seen her in ages. But now was not the time for thinking. You were at dance rehearsal and your dad, John Carson, made sure you were concentrated.

Steph: Im sorry Sir.

Allie: Don’t be so harsh on her John.

John: She is fat and she needs to lose weight before the first show or the press will go mental!

You were in the dance studio with your dad, mom and the dance teacher ( Miss Belle) . You dad was always going on about you losing weight and fixing your appearance. Miss Belle shook her head when she heard your dad call you ‘fat’ . You pretended like it didn’t get to you, after all, you were used to it. The thing was, you dad wasn’t just your dad, he was your manager and he pushed you so hard and you knew it was for your own good, for your dream, but sometimes.. things got out of hand.

The rehearsal was over for today, you had to go to the studio and fix some new songs that were going in to your second album. You never stopped working..

As you took your bag, your parents had left the room, Miss belle came up to you.

Miss Belle: Stephanie, my dear Stephanie. Do not listen to what your dad says, I know you will do perfect on the show.

Stephanie: Thank you Miss Belle, but he’s right. Im to fat to be headlining a tour across the world.

Miss Belle: You are perfect the way you are. And your dance today was perfect, im proud of you.

You smiled and leaned down to take your bag, Miss belle touched your shoulder and you shrugged away from her because it hurt. She backed off and walked into her office. You walked out to your parents. Your dad took a grip on your arm.

John: If you keep being this slow, we will never get to the studio in time and they will replace you.

Steph: yes Sir.

You jumped into the car and your mom, Allie, drove away to the recording studio. You had to change in the car into this: and as you pulled up to th recording studio, you heard the fans scream. You looked out the window, you could see them but they couldn’t yet see you. They all made you smile and your dad looked at you.

John: We don’t have time to stop today.

Steph: But they have waited for so long and it’s kind of cold outside, let me just stop and sign some stuff!


You sighed and waited for your mom to stop the car, then you jumped out and took your guitar with you. The fans started screaming and you looked at them and smiled.

You took your finger infront of your mouth to tell them to be quiet and they stopped screaming.

Steph: haha I love doing that.. I’ll be out later, I promise!

Your dad smiled to the cameras and lead you inside. As soon as you came inside the doors, he took your arm and pushed you up against the wall.

John: I fucking told you that we didn’t have time for them.

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