Chapter 1

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Lilianna- Karlee wake up I got a surprise for you. Like a really big one.

Karlee- Ok, Ok I'm getting up.

Lilianna- Here, read this

Karlee- What is this???

Lilianna- Those are concert tickets too...

(Karlee cuts her off)

Karlee- To see THE BEATLES!!!!!!!

Lilianna- I know right it's amazing.

Karlee- And we got front row spots in front of them, this is the best day of my life. When is the conert???

Lilianna- Tomorrow at 5:00 P.M

Karlee- So I have plenty of time to brag to my sister, and my mom, and enough time to plan my outfit, I just hope Ringo or John notices me.

Lilianna- Wait are you saying that you have a crush on two of The Beatles.

Karlee- Well yeah

Lilianna- What about Paul???

Karlee- Ehhh

Lilianna- Paul is my favorite. Ok so you like two of The Beatles, and we know you dont like Paul, so what about George??

Karlee- Honestly yes I like George too. Ok change the subject, what do you think it's going to be like tomorrow????

Lilianna- I dont know honestly.

Karlee- There is probably going to be a lot of screaming and people peeing there pants tomorrow.

Lilianna- Probably

Karlee- It'll be fun tomorrow, I hope they sing She Loves You.

Lilianna- I hope they sing All My Loving.

Karlee- I hope they sing all of them.

Lilianna- What if they are really funny tomorrow when they talk to the crowd, especially John??

Karlee- It'll be funny, and a good memory to remember.

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