Chapter 4

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Ringo- Hey over here

Karlee- Hey

Ringo- I never got the chance to get your guys names.

Karlee- My name is Karlee, and my friend here, her name is Lilianna.

Lilianna- Hey

Ringo- Hi

Karlee- So who's house first??

Ringo- Well whos house is closer??

Karlee- That would be mine.

Ringo- So we go to your house first, then Lilianna's would be next.

Lilianna- Well what about my car??

Ringo- Drive it home, then get your things together.

Karlee- I can show him the way to your house.

Lilianna- Good plan, I'll see you guys in a bit.

So Lilianna gets in her car, and Karlee follows Ringo to his car, and they drive away.

Karlee- Did you tell the boys where you where going??

Ringo- Of course I did

Karlee- Ok

Ringo- What do you think you mom is going to say?

Karlee- I dont know, she'll probably be glad that I'm doing something fun.

Ringo- No... about us

Karlee- Oh she'll probably be fine with it.

Ringo- You know I never really asked you out for real.

Karlee- What are trying to say??

Ringo- Karlee, will you be my girlfriend??

Karlee- YES!! Of course I will.

Ringo- Now we're a couple

Karlee- Yes, yes we are

So they continue driving to Karlees house. And after about fifteen minutes they arrived.

Karlee- Here we are

Ringo- Can I come in with you??

Karlee- Sure

Ringo- Thanks

So they walk up the house, Karlee opens the door and calls for her mom.

Karlee- Mom come down here I got a surprise for you, and bring Kareena with too.

Amy- Ok

So Amy wakes up Kareena and they walk down stairs.

Amy- Who's this??

Kareena- OMG

Karlee- Kareena are you ok??

Kareena- Yeah I'm fine

Karlee- Mom this is Ringo

Amy- You mean like Ringo Starr from The Beatles.

Karlee- Yes mom

Amy- How did this happen?

Karlee- Well me and Lilianna decided to go to the concert early so we didn't have to fight the crowd. Then Paul started talking to Lilianna, and John, George, and Ringo started talking to me. John and George then left to go finish setting up, Ringo stayed behind to talk to me. He then asked me and Lilianna to go on the rest of their tour with them. So I said yes, and that's how we got here.

Ringo- Hi

Kareena- OMG he talked

Karlee- Yeah he can talk Kareena.

Amy- I'm gonna take her up stairs to calm down, I'll be right back.

Karlee- Ok

So Amy takes Kareena up stairs to calm down.

Karlee- I'm really sorry about that Ringo.

Ringo- It's fine I'm used to it.

Karlee- Mom hurry if you want to talk I still gotta pack, then we gotta go pick up Lilianna and get back to the tour bus.

Then Amy comes down stairs to talk

Amy- So Karlee why did you bring Mr.Ringo Starr in.

Karlee- Because he asked if he could, and we also wanted to tell you something.

Then they take each other by the hand

Karlee- Mom we're dating

Amy- Really

Karlee- Yeah

Amy- Ok I see how it is, but you literally just met him today, and I will not tolerate that. So when your packing up, you mine as well pack up your other things to.

Karlee- Mom

Amy- Go pack up your stuff I dont want to see your face.

So then Karlee goes and packs up her stuff and Amy stays down stairs to talk to Ringo.

Amy- I know I just met you, but I dont like you. And I dont want to ever see you or my daughter again.

Ringo- Ma'am I'm a super nice guy once you get to know me, and for you to sit there and trash talk your daughter like that is super disrespectful, so that's why of you ever want to forgive her in anyway I won't let her come near a woman that is as rude as you.

Then Karlee comes down stairs

Karlee- Come on babe let's go.

Then they kiss and walk out the door

Ringo- You know I know you did that to make your mom mad, you know kissed you.

Karlee- I know I also called you babe to make her mad.

Ringo- I was wondering why it came so sudden. But you wanna know something?

Karlee- What???

Ringo- You can live with me after tour.

Karlee- Awwww thanks Ringo

Ringo- You know you can start calling me babe you want, I actually kinda like it. I have to come up with a nickname for you.

Karlee- You really dont have to.

Ringo- I already have one, Peanut.

Karlee- Aww I really like that.

Ringo- Well let's go get Lilianna.

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