Chapter 16

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Karlee- Yeah, it is Lilianna

Ringo- So it's time to head of in our own separate ways, boys I'll ring you later for you know what.

John- Bye I'm out of here, Cyn is gonna kill me if I dont get home soon.

Karlee- Bye John

John- Bye Karlee

Paul- Yeah I'll talk to you later Rings, their gonna love it.

Ringo- Shh Paul, but yeah talk to ya later

George- Might wanna get these two home so I'll see you later Rings.

Ringo- Bye Geo

Karlee- What where you guys talking about?

Ringo- Dont worry about it, you'll know soon enough.

So everyone went back to there places, and Ringo phoned all of the boys and told them to meet him at Strawberry feilds, and told them to sing "I want To Hold Your Hand" and told all of the boys to bring an acoustic guitar because they would be taking turns doing something for the girls. Or maybe all at once.

Ringo- Karlee, can you get ready love we'll be leaving in twenty to go to strawberry feilds, and dress pretty please, oh and phone Lilianna and Madison and tell them to do the same.

Karlee- Ok, I will

So Karlee phoned the girls, and took the twenty minutes to get ready. Then Ringo and Karlee got to Strawberry feilds, and they stopped right by a tree. Then came John, Paul, and George out from around the tree playing their guitars, and singing "I wanna hold your hand". Them Ringo got down on one knee.

Ringo- Karlee, I know we haven't been dating long, but it's been the best experience I've ever had, and I wanna  be with you for the rest of my life, so will you marry me?

Karlee- Yes!! A thousand times Yes!!

Ringo- Just dont tell the other girls yet

Karlee- Why??

Ringo- Paul, and George are proposing to, when they get here. We're having a triple wedding. It would have been a quadruple wedding if John would've waited to get married with his mates.

Karlee- It's Ok for John to not be apart of it, he's already married and happy, now that all we need to do.

Paul- The girls are coming, John are sure you got this by yourself?

John- Yes

George- Karlee, Ringo hide, me and Paul gotta go get the girls.

John- Ok let's go hide

So Paul, and George went and got the girls, and when they got to the spot, John came out and started singing. Then they did it.

Paul- Lilianna will you marry me?

Lilianna- Yes!!

George- Madison will you marry me?

Madison- Yes yes yes!!!

Karlee, Ringo- Surprise

Lilianna- Karlee were you in on this?

Karlee- Well towards the end

Madison- Why not for the whole thing?

Karlee- Because of this

Karlee showed them the ring.

Lilianna- OMG

Karlee- Tripple wedding

The girls squealed in laughter as they got excited.

George- Look The Beatlettes are happy.

Karlee- Wait The Beatle wives, or should I say soon to be wives have nicknames.

Paul- Yeh we came up with it on the plane.

John- You gals are called The Beatlettes

Lilianna- BEST...DAY...EVER!!!!

Then they all broke down into laughter.

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