Chapter 19

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After the wedding was finished the kids went with John and Cynthia. Then the three married couples went to leave for their honeymoons. They were all going back to America, to go to Disneyland. They planned on doing everything together.

Ringo- Karlee you almost finished packing we gotta meet the others at the airport.

Karlee- Yeah almost finished, just gotta pack my toothbrush and hairbrush.

Ringo- Okay I'll be outside waiting.

So Ringo went outside to wait for Karlee. While he waited he packed his bag into the car, and waited for Kalee to come so he could put hers in the car for her.

Karlee- Ok I'm ready to go.

Ringo- Ok let's get this show on the road then.

Karlee- I have a question.

Ringo- Yes

Karlee- What do you think about having more children?

Ringo- Well I think it would be great, I mean I love raising Zak, so honestly I wouldn't mind having another.

Karlee- OK

So the two of them drove for another 25 minutes to the airport to catch their flight. The other couples had already boarded the plane, The Beatle boys sat next to each other, and The Beatlettes sat together. And they sat on this flight for about one day and fourteen hours, with four stops. And that's the reason why they decided to go the day after the wedding, instead of waiting a little bit.

Ringo- Ugh this is going to take forever.

George- I know, but I do get to eat food so that's a plus.

Paul- I think it's going to be fine.

Karlee- Uhm Ringo, how could this possibly be worse than traveling in a tour bus.

Lilianna- She does have a good point, how could you guys do that for days on end?

Paul-We kinda got used to it after awhile.

George- Buy I do have to agree with the girls with this, Rings your kinda acting kinda like a wussy.

The five of them had this conversation for awhile, before they all passed out. Madison was the first to go considering that she wasn't apart of the conversation. But sleeping was a good way for them to spend their flights. It's honestly a good way to spend time.

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