Omega Shield

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After I was better and my fever had gone down, he traveled back to the Galra headquarters.

I sat in my usual place thinking about what my lion and the white lion told me about, how darkness was clouding my eyes from seeing who was trying to kill me.

"To return so triumphantly is a dream I thought I would never achieve." Lotor said happily, "We are one step closer to bringing peace and prosperity to the entire universe. This is all because of you, Princess."

Allura smiled and turned towards Lotor, "We did it together, Lotor." She said, "I would have never even known of Oriande without you, and therefore could have never unlocked its secrets."

I looked over at Lance and saw his brow scrunched up in annoyance. He flame shone with jealousy and anger towards Lotor.

After a while longer we made it to the headquarters and crossed over from our ship to the larger ship.

"We'll  see what intel is in your briefing and decide what to do." Shiro said as we entered the main hall.

Before Shiro could speak any further, we were interrupted by a women's voice.

"Lotor." She said with a commanding and serious tone. We looked ahead and saw a tall Galra woman in a uniform standing on the center of the hall.

She wore a professional uniform, her scowling face went well with her piercing eyes and several frown lines around her mouth.

It seemed that Lotor wasn't exactly excited to see this woman.

"Oh, no." He groaned, the woman approached us slowly.

"Uh... who the heck are you?" Lance asked. The woman stood high over Lance and looked even angrier than before.

"How dare you speak to me without authorization from Blood Emperor Lotor." She said, bending a baton in her hands before slapping Lance with it.

"She was my governess." Lotor sighed, "No one has used the term "Blood Emperor" since before we were a star-faring race. And these are my colleagues." He gestured to us, "They have more than my permission to speak. Everyone, this is Dayak."

The woman, Dayak, bowed respectfully.

We all said our fair greetings, but when I said hello, she stared at me with her calculating eyes. She walked up to me and examined me closely.

"Hmm..." she hummed, "You seem to be the type of person that holds only weakness in you. How have you come to be here?"

I smirked and scoffed at her question, "And or what reason do I have to answer that question?" I asked, my attitude making her annoyed.

"Such attitude!" She gasped, "How dare you speak to me like that?"

"How dare you insult me like that and ask me such a question when we've just met?"

"Ha! You must answer for you weaknesses. You look like you haven't even killed a flea."

"I may look weak, but during Zarkon's reign, I've escaped so many times from his prisons that it's not even funny anymore."

Dayak stood shocked at my words, but quickly wiped away her shock and replaced it with her normal scowl.

"How dare you make such a ludicrous statement? How could a weak child like you escape the Galra's grasp so many times?"

"It is true. Take account of the scars on my body from escaping your prisons. Now, if there is nothing more, shut up, get your ugly face away from me and stop acting like I need to answer you."

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