When The Jedi Are Really Sith Lords, The Mortis Escapade Ends Up A Lot Different

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"WHERE ARE WE?" Anakin asked, ducking out of the ship.

"I'm not entirely sure," Obi-Wan said, looking around in distaste. The place was too bright for him. Everything was white and gray and green and pink, and glowed in the sunlight. Obi-Wan, being a Sith, preferred the comforting darkness of black and brown.

"Wherever it is, it's too bright," Ahsoka grumbled, blinking in the light.

"My thoughts exactly," Obi-Wan growled. "I'm going to change into my Sith tunic. Don't go anywhere, either of you."

Obi-Wan ducked back into the ship to change into the comforting darkness of his Sith tunic, pulling his hood up over his yellow-orange eyes.

"Ani! Ahsoka! Do you want me to bring out your cloaks?" Obi-Wan called.

"Yes!" both of the other Sith chorused back at him. Anakin had done a wonderful job of turning Ahsoka to the Dark Side, and both of her lightsabers had the color change function. The three of them were definitely close. Anakin had been sleeping with Obi-Wan ever since their first killing spree on Tatooine.

Obi-Wan retrieved Anakin and Ahsoka's cloaks from inside the ship and tossed each their own when he reemerged. They caught them and put them on gratefully, both pulling up their hoods to shade their eyes. Obi-Wan noticed with some satisfaction that all three of them had the Sith color eyes at the moment. 

"What do we do now?" Anakin asked, drawing his cloak tight around himself. 

"I don't know," Obi-Wan growled, frustrated. "I don't even know how we're here -- wherever we are."

"Guys," Ahsoka said.

"What is it, Snips?" Anakin asked.

"Skyguy, Obi-Wan, look!" Ahsoka gestured in the direction she was looking in. Obi-Wan and Anakin followed her gaze to see a beautiful, strangely glowing figure walking toward them. Closer inspection revealed that it was a girl with green hair that seemed to float out behind her. The three Sith all involuntarily took a step back; she practically glowed with the Force, the light side of it. 

"Who are you?" Anakin called.

"Come," was all the girl said. "My father has been expecting you."

The three Sith exchanged looks. Obi-Wan shrugged.

"She reeks of the light side, but we might as well follow her. She presumably knows her way around better than we do. Still, we need to stick together. If we get separated..." Obi-Wan let his warning hang in the air, unspoken. 

"We know," Anakin said. 

"Ugh, let's go," Ahsoka grumbled. 

The three Sith set off after the light side girl, all three of them on their guard. This place was too bright for them.

They came to a stop at a crossroads. There was no sign of the girl.

Without warning, a jumble of rocks came tumbling down the cliffside they were walking along. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka were trapped on one side while Anakin was trapped on the other.

"Obi! Snips!" came Anakin's anguished cry.



"Do we split up now?" Anakin asked.

"No. I will not have us splitting up on unfamiliar terrain!" Obi-Wan spat vehemently.

"Then what do you propose we do?" Ahsoka snarled. 

"We're Sith, aren't we?" Anakin's annoyed call came again. "Why don't we just use the Force to move the rocks?"

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