Maul And Padme Are Falling In Love Even As The War Draws To A Bloody Close...

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THE END OF THE Clone Wars was drawing near. Maul could sense it. It dominated the Force, it was in the air, it was almost palpable. It was also terrifying.

At least to Maul.

He was mediating in his room in the Jedi Temple -- the rest of the Jedi knew of his allegiance by now, and he'd been assigned his own clone squadron -- when he heard the door open and felt Padme's by-now-familiar presence as she entered. He knew she was hesitating, not wanting to interrupt his meditation, and he felt her start to leave.

"Don't go." Padme hesitated at the sound of Maul's voice. "Your presence is comforting."

"I don't want to intrude..."

"Believe me, you're not intruding. Come on in," Maul invited, opening his eyes. 

"Okay," Padme said, walking farther into the room. Maul used the Force to close his door as Padme sat down beside him on his bed. 

"What were you meditating on?" Padme asked.

"I feel the Clone Wars are drawing to an end," Maul said. "I don't know how, but..."

"But what?" Padme asked, laying a gentle hand on his arm. "Something's wrong. I can tell."

Maul sighed. "The end of this war will not bring peace. I saw...destruction. Violence. Fear. I saw Skywalker and Kenobi ruling the galaxy through fear and opression. I saw the Jedi being wiped out. was terrible, Padme. And it's coming."

Padme scooted a little closer, her hand moving down and intertwining with his. 

"You saw all that? Oh, Maul, that's terrible!" Padme murmured. "Is there anything I can do?"

"We can't prevent what will happen," Maul said. "All we can do is fight and try to change the outcome a little."

Padme smiled. "I meant for you."

Maul smiled back. "Come closer," he said. 

"I'm already pretty close," Padme said, complying anyway. "How close do you want me to come?"

"As close as humanly possible," Maul replied.

"Hmm. That would require getting on you..." Padme trailed off with a smile. 

"Sounds good to me," Maul laughed. 

"Me too," Padme said, moving so that she was sitting on his lap.

"We probably shouldn't be doing this," Maul said, "but I really don't care. I've been raised separate from the main Jedi Code, so I'm not sure all the rules apply to me."

"Which rules don't?" Padme asked, meeting his eyes.

"Let's hope the one about relationships being forbidden," Maul murmured, instinctively leaning in a little. To his surprise and delight, Padme did the same.

"Let's hope," she breathed, their faces inches apart.

Maul closed the distance, gently pressing his lips to hers, closing his eyes. Padme returned the gentle kiss, making a warm feeling spread through Maul. 

He pulled away before the kiss could get too heated, still wondering if that had been a good idea. He'd certainly enjoyed it, and considering Padme had returned it, he suspected she had too. 

"Padme..." Maul trailed off, not knowing what to say. It was obvious the way they felt about each other after only about a year, but neither seemed inclined to admit it.

"I don't know what to say, either," she admitted. "This is weird for me, too."

"Glad I'm not the only one who's a little awkward about it," Maul said, smiling softly. 

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