*The Bounty Huntress*

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Role: Bounty Hunter
Name: Ceyeste Whitagre
Age: 17
Looks/Face Claim: Cara Delevingne

Role: Bounty HunterName: Ceyeste WhitagreAge: 17Looks/Face Claim: Cara Delevingne

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Resistance or First Order:
None, though she favours the Resistance.

Reputation in the Galaxy:
Enigmatic; most people don't know what she looks like as she wears a hood. Reliable, if you pay her enough.

Ceyeste is known for her level-headedness, always focussing on the job. That's not to say that she doesn't take time to enjoy herself. She'll crack a joke in the middle of a mission, and often tries to learn a little more about the people she's sent to capture. She despises murder, so she doesn't take those kinds of jobs, but she enjoys a fight, especially when she's surrounded by people who underestimate her. Ceyeste has a very casual demeanour, seemingly unfazed by most things. Still, she's great company and well worth her price.

When she was young, Ceyeste's parents was forced to trade her to whom they thought was a slaver -- he never did like the term -- in order to take care of themselves and their youngest daughter. Ceyeste, however young, might not have chosen this life for herself, but she did understand why her parents did what they did. If they hadn't, they might not have lived another year, and she might never have learned about the world outside of her own home. The man who had bought her was named Leo. He became not only her friend, but her master, training her in combat and stealth to make her the perfect thief for him and bounty hunter.

 He became not only her friend, but her master, training her in combat and stealth to make her the perfect thief for him and bounty hunter

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Charm: Ceyeste can be considerably charming, especially to those who appreciate good humour and a pretty face. Conversation comes naturally to her, but she also knows how to use this to her advantage.

Combat: She is trained in basic hand-to-hand combat (knows how to fight dirty, too) and wields a hip blaster and lightwhip for more intensive missions.

Efficient: Ceyeste is always focussing on her mission, even when it doesn't seem like it, and rarely disappoints her employers.

Agile: Ceyeste's smaller build and flexibility allows her to access areas others might not be able to. She's also a harder target to hit.

Stealth: Hand-in-hand with her agility, Ceyeste knows how to accomplish her missions stealthily if necessary. You won't even know she's there.


Flying: She doesn't know how to fly.

Bad with technology: Unless it's some kind of weapon or bomb, Ceyeste doesn't do well with technology -- she just wings it most of the time.

Stingy: She likes her money...

Does not kill: Unless her life is in danger, you won't see Ceyeste voluntarily killing anyone.

Strength: The girl can pack a punch and usually finds an opponent's weak spots to win a fight, but she'd probably lose in a battle based on pure physical strength or moving heavy objects.

Strength: The girl can pack a punch and usually finds an opponent's weak spots to win a fight, but she'd probably lose in a battle based on pure physical strength or moving heavy objects

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Special Skills:

Ceyeste is a badass with a lightwhip, who is good at smuggling and charming people.


Lightwhip (magenta)


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