december 30.

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ols😪 | olympiawalsh

okay ladies, tomorrow is the last day of 2019. my friends are placing bets on whether joshua bassett will come through and be my date to this party. personally, i feel bad for the guy. this is my formal apology.


username1 olympia and josh is something i'm here for

username2 but what about olivia and josh???

ardenjalboush i just needed someone to come to this party with me sis 😌😌
olympiawalsh well i hope ur happy

username3 JOSH!!!! @joshuabassett

rivroustoby bets that he won't have the balls😘

jupe_h i bet ya boy'll pull through

biancamaria bets u won't remember cos u'll be piss drunk
olympiawalsh shush

username4 💗💗💗

olivia.rodrigo @joshuabassett

theoarchiefriar if all else fails i'll be ur date😘😘
olympiawalsh once upon a time sweetie

joshuatbassett i'll be at the drinks table at five to midnight 💙💙

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"HOW YOU FEELING OLI?" River asked from where she lounged across her best friend's bed. Oli let out a shaky laugh, picking up one of her many pillows and launching it at River. "I don't know, Riv. I don't even know what's a joke anymore." River frowned slightly and twisted so she was lying on her stomach looking up at Olympia. "Well, how much of it is a joke to you?" "I don't want it to be a joke." Olympia said honestly. "I want to meet him. I want to get to know him. He's cute." Oli threw another pillow at River's cackling face as she continued. "He is. And I don't know how I really feel. I've never met him." "You just have an instinct." River suggested, and Oli nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Like I did with Theo." "Theo's a rat." River cringed, her nose scrunching up at the end. "Yeah, but we love him." River scoffed. "We do now."
"Regarding your Joshua issue; just wait and see." River said finally. "Stand at the drinks table at five to midnight and see if he comes. If he doesn't, and you get absolutely shit faced, you won't have to remember the rejection." "You're not helpful, Riv." Oli said with a laugh before opening up her phone to look over the comment Joshua had left for the hundredth time. "You love me." The girl argued with a cocky smile. "I do." Oli agreed. "God knows why."

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