Like I Would

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(A/N: I am working hard, ain't I? This is the fastest I have updated this book and man, do I feel so good about it. One confession before I start, I really really love writing from Zayn's point of view.

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I am happy about writing this.
See you on the other end.) 

Zayn's POV

"Hey what's up, it's been a while
Talking 'bout it's not my style
Thought I'd see what's up
While I'm lighting up
It's cold-hearted, cold-hearted"

"Ah, ah, aaaah, bitch a bit slower~"

Anwar shouted as Kendall harshly rubbed the ice pack on his jaw.

And I found myself seated opposite to Gigi and Kendall tending to Anwar's swelling jaw, while he's complaining about how bad it hurts.

Well, I was different news already, I was fuming.

Gigi (I believe) had some idea as to why I hit Anwar but still wouldn't look me in the eye. As for Kendall, she's oblivious to anything I was going through, she only seemed to care about the fact that her brother may have a broken jaw and she seemed to grit her teeth.

Was she really that mad at me?

To be honest, I was acting bipolar. I supported his decision once and at the mention of Harry here, I somehow couldn't keep my hands to myself. I may not be all so religious but God only knows what exactly is going on here.

It was five minutes since I created this mess and it felt like the longest five minutes of my life. The interrogation will be starting soon. The question is: how do I succeed in getting out of this unscathed?

Gigi's hollow green pair of eyes finally shifted and looked at me but not before leaving a sigh. I swear I could see a little eye-roll as she did, "So, what is your explanation?"

I mentally gulped as I saw the other people in the room turn to me. Anwar was looking somewhat scared and I noticed a little change in his posture as if putting up a defence. Kendall's already crooked smile tugging at her lips and amused expression only made me anticipate my death knell.

I uncomfortably cleared my throat. I mentally noted to google symptoms of bipolarity. I definitely wasn't the same guy who knocked out Anwar five minutes back.

"Know it's late but I'm so wired
Saw your face and got inspired
Guess you let it go, now you're good to go
It's cold-hearted, cold-hearted"

"Why the fuck are you even asking me this, Gi? He's going crazy! No one MAKES you gay, alright? If I take your situation and say that it will be the end of his career, then he is dragging another person with him~"

She cut me off mid-sentence, "Are you listening to yourself? I asked you the reason WHY you hit him. You don't have to concoct a different scenario as to what WOULD'VE happened. That doesn't explain what gives you the privilege to hit him!"

With each syllable, her octave rose and I could've sworn to have strangled her if she didn't stop. But before I could even try to justify myself why I hit him, Kendall chirps in,

"Not to mention that Harry Styles is your EX...bandmate! Also, you having mentioned that yOu NeVer ReAlLy TaLkEd even when you were in the band! And now, all of a sudden you are concerned about him to such an extent that you hit your girlfriend's dear brother! Zayn Malik, you are SOMETHING!"

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