I don't, I don't really care

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This is inexcusable. This chapter is late by two months. I still don't know if anyone is actually reading this or not. If you are, please try to enjoy it :)

Zayn's POV

I sniffed in the musk of wild berries and glimpses of last night started filling in my brain. I opened my eyes to see brown curls sprawled on the right side of my chest and I delved into the moment of utter bliss of having him in my arms once again. 

He had his arms around me and I lifted mine up to touch his soft hair. He nuzzled his face deeper into my chest and it was summer for me all over again, I continued with the action until he nudged his head and I could see his eyelashes move and slowly green orbs faced the sunlight seeping in through the glass panes. 

It seemed like an eternity until he realised that he was half laying on me as I felt his body stiffen against my chest. Every fibre in my body started to ache knowing his next action, anticipating his next move and a small movement from his body and my arms held him tighter to my chest. 

I could feel his breathing getting harder but I couldn't stand losing the most important person to me all over again. My heart ached for real and I knew he could hear it drumming fast against his ears, I waited for more struggling and was about to put up a fight to keep him right where he is but instead of moving away, he relaxed and sighed and I felt his warm breath fan against my chest. 

A warm feeling spread across my whole body and I wanted to cry as him not trying to run away from me. At least, not now... Testing the waters after what felt like forever while we lay like that, I croaked out.

"Good morning...?"

Everything came at a halt for me. It was unbearable. Has he given up on me-

"Afternoon actually"

"Oh, we're not
In the same place
Show me in the same light
Feels right
When we take flight
Clothes off 'cause she so soft
This ain't a fair fight, yeah
I wanna share love
Only so dry
I'll get her wetter than ever
Four letters are never the question
She likes when I'm messy
And I like when she's undressed"

He rose on his elbow so that he was facing me and his chin grazed on my chest. With the prettiest hue of pink on his cheeks and the slightest frown more of trying to hide his pout adorned his face and he looked the cutest and unconsciously my hands softly pushed a little of his stray curls away from his face to see the brightest green eyes shining in the sun looking at me.

"We slept this long?" I found myself asking.

"You certainly did. My mum and Gemma came back at 8. I told them that you guys stayed back and then Nick dropped by an hour back with lunch for all. We just decided to spend a lazy Sunday all of us together."

I kept staring at him and hummed in response still in a daze of holding him in my arms when a thought just appeared to me,

"Wait, so you woke up in the morning and met everyone else and came back to take another nap... in my arms...?"

Dunno how fast it happened, I saw his ears flare up and a hard hit on my arm and in seconds he was on his feet swiftly and about to move out of the room muttering 'stupid' 'sorry' or 'idiot' but I was faster and held him by the waist and that resulted in him losing his balance and us landing on his bed again, this time with his back on my chest. I heard his voice vibrating against his ribs as he said,

"I'm sorry... I was just being... I didn't know if you... I-"

"Hush hush hush, babe, I missed the feeling of having you in my arms when I wake up" With that I kissed his back once, twice and then he visibly relaxed in my arms with me still holding onto him close to me. I knew he wouldn't talk so I began,

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